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Only 3.5GB available with 4 GB RAM installed?

Designed as a 32-bit operating system (OS), Windows XP supports an address range from 0 to 4 GB of physical or virtual memory. Even if a computer is loaded with 2 GB of physical RAM, the OS still has access to 4 GB of virtual memory via disk paging. Physical memory addresses are allocated to manage both the computer’s resources (machine hardware) and RAM. The PCI memory addresses starting down from 4 GB are used for things like the BIOS, IO cards, networking, PCI hubs, bus bridges, PCI-Express, and the largest block of addresses is allocated for graphics cards.

Windows Vista Editions

All Windows Vista editions are available as 32 bit and 64 bit versions. In Europe, the N version of "Home Basic" and "Business" does not include the Windows Media Player. Windows Vista " Starter" is not currently scheduled to be available in the high income markets like Europe. Windows Vista " Enterprise" is optimized for enterprise organizations and is available exclusively to Microsoft Software Assurance customers. You can upgrade from your current edition of Microsoft Windows XP or Windows 2000 to a corresponding or better edition of Windows Vista by purchasing and installing an upgrade copy of Windows Vista. You can install into an existing Windows partition, but this is not recommended, since you can no longer use the old system after the installation of Windows Vista. Some product features are only available in certain editions of Windows Vista and may require advanced or additional hardware.

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Shuttle XPC Barebone Finder

The K-Series is Shuttle’s most cost-effective Mini-PC model range. The K-Series is ideal for the office and simple daily routine applications.
14.10.2009 12:26:39