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Download SB65G2 (FB65)Info and Frequently asked questions Related Links Links concerning this chapter: Can the SB65G2 support a complete setup (DVD, HD, AGP, PCI, etc…)? Based on Shuttle’s “Full Loading” test standard, the SB65G2 is tested with benchmark software for over 3 days with the following installed; - Model: SB65G2
- BIOS: fb65s007
- CPU: P4 3.2GHz FSB 800MHz
- Memory: A-DATA DDR400 (PC 3200) 512MB * 2
- HDD: WD Raptor WD360 SATA 10,000rpm
- USB device: Shuttle PC12 - USB2.0 card reader
- AGP card: ATi Radeon 9800 PRO (Built by ATi)
- PCI card: Hauppauge TV Tuner card
- Operating System: Windows XP Pro. + Service Pack 1
Why won’t my system boot after overclocking the CPU Clock? When the CPU FSB Clock is overclocked to higher levels, the memory frequency will also overclock at the same time. Please don’t set the memory frequency to [Auto] when you overclock the CPU Clock. Try setting the memory frequency to a lower level (ex. DDR 266 / 333) when overclocking.  What temperature monitoring utilities are available? The following links contain freeware/shareware for CPU/System/HDD temperature monitoring utilities: How can I check if my DDR is performing in Dual channel mode or not? 1. Please press “Tab” key immediately when your screens shows the Intel logo at startup.  2. Please check for the message on your monitor.  Note: Please refer to the user’s manual page 39, you have to use the same size and type DIMMs on Channels 0 and 1.

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