The accessory range for Shuttle XPCs is expanded constantly. Remarks for the yellow fields: - PC10/PC12 (Card-Reader) requires an internal USB-connector, using PC10/PC12 on XPCs without an AGP-slot (these are SS50, SS40, SV25, SV24), you need to disable the USB-connector on the front panel.
- CV18 (USB-Card) is included in delivery of SS40G, and XPCs with an AGP-slot have USB 2.0 already installed onboard.
- PN21 (Bluetooth Dongle) and PN11 (Wireless-LAN) is supported by SS51G since Version 2.0.
- PN11 (Wireless LAN) is included within delivery of SB65G2.
- The XPCs SB81P, SS56L and ST62K do not fit in PF9/PF40 carrying bag.
- Only SN41G2V2 supports Mirror Phase PF61 and CosmetiX Design Kit (not SN41G2)
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