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Interview Aurora of Les Seules

Interview Aurora of Les Seules

"Aurora" is one of the most successful and reknowned female gamer. With 26 years of age, she has nearly won every trophy gamers can win. She won highly paid tournaments from across the world, being the team leader of "Les Seules" and the "Female ESport Player of the Year 2005." Her clan "Les Seules" is not only known for their pretty members, but also for their tremendous number of won matches. They managed high ranks at all important tournaments and are just about to start their own regular TV show that helped them getting dubbed the "Spice Girls of the gaming scene." We now had the chance to get hold of the ladies of "Les Seules" for an interview who play their matches exclusively on Shuttle XPCs, by the way.

"Aurora" is one of the most successful and reknowned female gamer. With 26 years of age, she has nearly won every trophy gamers can win. She won highly paid tournaments from across the world, being the team leader of "Les Seules" and the "Female ESport Player of the Year 2005." Her clan "Les Seules" is not only known for their pretty members, but also for their tremendous number of won matches. They managed high ranks at all important tournaments and are just about to start
their own regular TV show that helped them getting dubbed the "Spice Girls of the gaming scene." We now had the chance to get hold of the ladies of "Les Seules" for an interview who play their matches exclusively on Shuttle XPCs, by the way.

You are Aurora, a professional gamer and leader of "Les Seules". Could you tell us something about you?

Well where to start !! Im a 26 year old female, currently residing in Malmo, Sweden. I have been playing CS for about 4.5 years now… seems like only yesterday that I started.

What's your favorite game?

Counter Strike.

When and how did you start to play professionally?

It all started in 2003, when the national Danish female team decided to go to France for a competition. After that I have visited france on numerous occasions for competitions, been to Spain and USA just to name a few.

Can you make a living out of gaming?

Not just yet, but we are working on it. We are planning on going to the US in early summer to record a reality series program named PlayUs.

What do you like or dislike in being a pro gamer?

Theres nothing really to dislike. If I disliked anything I would probably stop. I live for competing, just like in any other sport.

What do you think about eSports in general? Is it the future of sports in general?

Esports is getting more and more professional. This year will be the turning point of professional gaming, with higher prize money to be won, and the level of competition fiercer than ever. Sponsors putting more money into teams, requires a higher level of dedication and professionalism, and only teams with these criteria will make it through to 2007 successfully.

What are you doing in your spare time? Gaming as well?

Spare time is used wisely – i love sleeping in, watching TV/movies, playing other games on my computer or just spending time with my friends.

What's your personal dream?

I think right now, my only dream in life is to be truly happy.

For how long do you think you will be able to play professionally eSports?

I really don’t know. It all depends on certain unforeseeable factors at this stage. But hopefully for another few years.

What are your plans after your career in gaming? What do you want to do, where do you want to work?

I already work withing the gaming scene, which actually fits me fine. I get to work with my great passion – gaming and the community. So for now I don’t want to work anywhere else! In the future, hopefully something with marketing or sales.

Millions of people are playing every day. What kind of qualifications do they have to fulfil to become a professional gamer?

Dedication, patience, TIME! It takes some sacrifices to become a professional gamer. Most gamers don’t have the time for a full time job, as it takes constant training to get to the high level that is needed. Most pros spend 40hours plus a week on gaming.

Do you have any hints that you could tell us to become a better gamer?

Practice Practice Practice. Play with the best – then you learn faster. Don’t be scared to challenge yourself, try new things etc. Most of all, believe in yourself, if you can do that, then that’s the first step to victory.

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16.10.2009 15:33:16