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| The tested device is a fully equipped SB75G2, build from a reseller called "PC Specialist" [Equipped with an Intel P4 Extreme Edition 3.2GHz processor, ] a GeForce FX 5500 with 256MB memory and 1024 MB main memory, this Mini-PC optains a very good system performance. The built-in TV card from Hauppauge and the installed operation system "Windows Media Center Edition" makes this racing cube a very silent system for living-room (we have measures 38dB(A) [...] Finally, a nice and powerful eye-catcher. Conclusion: value and final result = good |
![]() ![]() (Denmark) 9. July 2004 |
| (...) Shuttle has been the leader in the SFF market with their quality designs and constant innovation, keeping the XPC line a top performer with all the features and speed of a full sized PC. The Shuttle XPC SB75G2 is top of the line for the Intel platform, based on the i875P "Canterwood" North bridge, and the ICH5R South bridge. This system supports all 800MHz FSB Pentium 4 processors, dual-channel DDR400 memory, SATA RAID 150, PAT-enhanced memory performance, a ton of overclocking features, and lots more! (...) The SB75G2 comes in a great retail box that shows all the features and specifications, as well as some available accessories to customize the XPC. Not only does this box look attractive, it is very functional in keeping the XPC safe from damage while being transported. There are plenty of bundled accessories that come with the XPC, all the necessary cables, screws, adapters, manuals, and drivers are contained in their own box. (...) Cool air is drawn in through the sides of the case, the large wire mesh grills provide plenty of airflow. (...) Conclusion: The benchmarks speak for themselves, the Shuttle SB75G2 may be small, but it certainly packs quite a punch. For the best performance on an Intel platform you can't beat the 875P chipset, and Shuttle has certainly utilized all that the chipset has to offer in this tiny black box. I'm thoroughly impressed with the performance and features of the SB75G2, Shuttle has really taken the time and effort in designing and building a quality product for the consumer. The features on this SFF system are just overwhelming, however Shuttle offers more accessories that can be used to customize their XPC systems. Items available include everything from changing the overall appearance, travel accessories, or even adding a matching card reader or wireless capabilities. I was also especially pleased with the overclocking results, Shuttle's I.C.E. Technology really does work great to keep the CPU cool in this tiny case, and the BIOS offers reasonable voltage and FSB adjustments to get the most out of a CPU. Even when the system is overclocked and running under a high load, the system still manages to stay reasonably quiet. |
| Das Schweizer Computer-Magazin "Tele" stellt in der neuesten Ausgabe in acht Schritten den Weg zum eigenen XPC vor. Dabei bauen die Redakteure einen Shuttle XPC SB75G2 zusammen. "Mit etwas Geld und Geschick kann man einen prima Spiele-PC bauen." Und dieser soll einiges können: "Es ist höchste Zeit, sich einen leistungsfähigen Spielecomputer zuzulegen, der sich leicht von Raum zu Raum transportieren lässt. Ideal sind hierfür Mini-PC Gehäuse, so genannte Barebones." |
A SB75G2V2 user in Japan has topped the 3DMark03 hall of fame with a ATI X800Pro graphics card. | ![]() The XPC SB75G2 with an ATI X800 Pro has thrashed rival machines to post the highest Futuremark 3Dmark03 The Futuremark community, an enthusiast society dedicated to driving 3D graphic performance and development, have collectively posted their fastest scores for the industry-standard benchmarking software 3Dmark03. The top of this list is the Shuttle XPC SB75G2 with a score of 10399 3Dmarks. Futuremark member and Shuttle small form factor devotee Mavis equipped his record-breaking XPC with some seriously powerful hardware: an Intel Pentium® 4 overclocked to 3.5GHz, 1GB of DDR400 Ram and an ATI RADEON X800 Pro. Here is a quote from an forum post from da man himself: "I'm up to 551MHz core, and 562MHz memory, that's with stock cooling [ICE], no volt mods, and in my SB75G2 - no artifacts or anything like that - works GREAT! I'm up to 10344 in 3DMark2003, that's up from 5102 with my 9700 Pro!! But, 550/560 with stock cooling is good ... for me!" With dozens of glowing reviews and tens of thousands of satisfied users worldwide, including Schroet Kommando, the world's No 1 professional computer gaming team, the Intel Canterwood-based XPC SB75G2 is world's best-selling, high-performance small form factor computer. |
| Auszeichnung: Produkt des Monats - Fazit: Eine glatte Eins Kompaktes Kraftpaket - Shuttle hat mit dem SB75G2 einen Mini Barebone der Extraklasse im Sortiment. Das Gerät eignet sich optimal für alle anspruchsvollen Anwendungen. (...) Klein und leicht präsentiert sich der XPC SB75G2 von Shuttle. Sofort ins Auge sticht das überaus coole schwarze Aluminiumgehäuse. (...) Und tatsächlich (...) eignet er sich durchaus für professionelle Netzwerk- und Server-Anwendungen, unterstützt Intel's speicheroptimierende Performance Acceleration Technologie (PAT) und Serial ATA mit RAID-Funktion. Schnelle DDR400-Wpeicher werden im Dual-Channel-Betrieb auch im ECC-Modus supported. Also Standfestigkeit ohne Ende. Auch die derzeit schnellsten Intel Prozessoren mit 800MHz FSB-Geschwindigkeit und Hyper-Threading können beim SB75G2 eingesetzt werden. Der nötige Speed, zum Beispiel für die neuesten Games, wird jedenfalls gewährleistet. Hinsichtlich der Connectivity gibt es nichts zu meckern. An hochwertigen Schnittstellen findet der Anwender auch GigaBit-LAN, FireWire 400, USB 2.0 und digitale Audio-Ports (SPDIF Ein- und Ausgänge). (...) Ein dickes Plus gibt es für die mitgelieferte Integrierte Cooling-Engine (I.C.E.). (...) Fazit: Shuttle demonstriert einmal mehr seine Fähigkeit, eine außergewöhnliche hochwertige Hardware für anspruchsvolle Umgebungen zu liefern - und das alles im praktischen Miniformat. Die ideale Ausstattung für Hochleistungs-Workstations, Server und für Anwendungen im wissenschaftlichen oder medienverarbeitenden Bereich. Daher erreichte das Gerät eine glatte Eins in unserem Test. |
| Recommended award (no translation available) |
| Mini PC appeals to gamers, power users who need a small package. One of the first fully configured systems offered by Shuttle Computer that we've tested, the XPC G2 7500 has a lot to offer the mobile gamer or power-hungry user looking for svelte style. Roughly a quarter the size of a typical desktop, the Shuttle XPC is small, somewhat portable, and extremely quiet, whether you decide to keep it above or below your desk. (...) |
| Overall, this is one of the sweetest pieces of computer equipment I have ever had my hands on. I can recommend this machine to everyone from my Grandma to a die-hard gamer. This would be a sweet machine for anyone looking to save some space around the house or dorm room. You could throw in a nice LCD monitor and fit the entire system on top of a small desk with relative ease. (...) the convenience and features of the Shuttle SB75G2 are worth every penny. I love the SB75G2 and give it high marks in just about every category I can think of. I give the Shuttle XPC SB75G2 a 9.5 out of 10 and the Bjorn3D Golden Bear Award of excellence.
+ Small, very very small |
| Conclusion: 5 out of 5 The Shuttle PC continues to set the standard for small form factor PCs that are not only stylish, but loaded with features. Our model eschewed the standard silver color for a black paint job that looks absolutely wonderful for a LAN gaming PC. The compact size and powerful features of the Shuttle computer make it a no-brainer for any gamer interested in building a PC for LAN events It’s also great for anyone with limited space. |
| Small, black and funky: if only all PCs looked as good as the Shuttle XPC SB75G2 Banish that boring beige box to the back bedroom and get something altogether smarter for your lounge (...)The company [Shuttle] has demonstrated that PCs don’t have to be big, ugly boxes that make more noise than a wind turbine. Shuttle’s latest product is the XPC SB75G2, which offers plenty of computing potential in a pretty small space. (...) If you’re fed up with having a huge beige tower PC and want something looks more like a hi-fi separate, then need the Shuttle XPC SB75G2. And for once, you don’t have to compromise power for size. (...) Verdict: |
| "Product of the month" Due it's high capabilities: "The system was equipped with Pentium 4 - 3,2GHz, 2 hard disks, one optical unit and a Sapphire All-in-Wonder 9800PRO with only 220W - and worked irreproachable." SB75G2 was declared as a viable solution for desktop replacement. |
| Als erster Hersteller verbaut Shuttle Intels Power-Chipsatz i875 für den P4 in einen Barebone. So verwundert es kaum, dass der Testzweite mit besten Leistungen auftrumpft - und das bei einer annehmbaren Lautstärke von 2,8 Sone im Stressbetrieb. Zur üblichen Ausstattung bekommt der SB75G2 Gigabit-LAN und S-ATA spendiert. (...) uns überzeugte das SB75G2 - technisch wie optisch. Fazit gesamt: Dieser Test bekam mit dem Shuttle XPC SB61G2 RefleXion einen würdigen Sieger. Überhaupt merkt man es den XPC Würfeln an, das Shuttle den Job schon ein Weilchen macht. (...) Aber sie liefern das rundeste Konzept mit den wenigsten Schwächen und wissen, wie man mögliche Stolpersteine umgeht (...). Fazit SB75G2: Power-Fetischisten mit wenig Platz am heimischen Schreibtisch bekommen mit dem SB75G2 ein rasantes Zierstück. Shuttle is the first manufacturer, which builds the Intel Power-Chipset i875 for Pentium4 in a barebone. It is not surprising that the second of the test has the best performance and that with an acceptable volume of 2,8 Sone under full load. The SB75G2 is additionally equiped with Gigabit-LAN and S-ATA. (...) We are convinced of the SB75G2 - technical and optical. Overall Conclusion: The XPC SB62G2 ReleXion is the worthy winner of the test. Indeed, the XPC cubes prove that Shuttle is no beginner in its job. (...) They provide the best concept. (...)
Conclusion SB75G2: Hardware enthusiasts who have not much space on their desk at home will get a powerful and stylish device with SB75G2. |
| Conclusion: For Gamers who often need take their pc with them on the road, a barebone Pc is an ideal solution. Altough they are very compact and easy to transport, you can outfit them with the latest in 3D card technology and they perform just a strong as a fullsize desktop system. They are also very easy to upgrade and cost only slighty more than a fullsize desktop system, two things that can't be said for Laptop pc's. Even for users that don't need to move their PC around, the Shuttle systems can be very appealing: instead of a bulkly tower under your desk, you can have a beautifully designed and hightech looking box on your desk, saving you some space. The Xpc's have many connections on the frontpanel, which is very user friendly. "For gamers, Shuttle PC's are a much better alternative than a Latop Pc: they are easier to upgrade, cost less and perform just as strong as a fullsize PC. " |
Deutsch: English: | (...) Bei den Verkaufszahlen liegt der Begründer und Erfinder des Mini-Barebone-Konzepts - Shuttle - mit Abstand in Führung. Kein Hersteller bietet ein größeres Portfolio an Mini-Modellen für nahezu jeden Geschmack an. (...) "Das Spitzenmodell in der Leistungsklasse (...)" (...) Shuttle integriert in einem Barebone der XPC-Serie den 875P-Chipsatz, den Intel gern auch als Workstation-Baustein bezeichnet. Damit rangiert das Modell SB75G2 für die P4-Plattform in der Performance-Skala ganz oben. Überhaupt bietet keiner der Konkurrenten ein System mit diesem Chipsatz an. (...) Überhaupt vermittelt das XPC SB75G2 qualitativ den besten Eindruck unter allen Testkandidaten. (...) Fazit: In punkto Verarbeitungsqualität kann dem Shuttle SB75G2 die Konkurrenz nicht das Wasser reichen. Auch bei der Anmutung wird die einheitliche Farbgebung besonders die Design-orientierte Kundschaft überzeugen. (...) English Version (...) In sales figures, the founder and originator of the mini-bare-bones concept - Shuttle - is well in the lead. No manufacturer offers a larger portfolio of mini-models for almost every taste. (...) (...) Shuttle integrates the 875P chipset - which Intel like to call its workstation chip - into an XPC-series bare-bones. That puts the SB75G2 model for the P4 platform right at the top, at least on the performance scale. To be sure, none of the competitors offers a system with this chipset. (...) In general, the XPC SB75G2 makes the highest-quality impression of all of the test candidates. (...) Conclusion: In terms of quality workmanship, the Shuttle SB75G2 beats the competition hands down. In appearance, too, the uniform coloring and will impress design-oriented customers in particular. (...) |
| Conclusion: Shuttle’s XPC SB75G2 lived up to all our expectations as a powerhouse in a small form factor. Based on the familiar chassis design of most Shuttle XPC systems, it is small, neat, easy to setup and maintain. The XPC SB75G2 is dressed completely in black, giving it a very attractive feel if you couple it with external facing drives of matching color. (...) Clearly, the Shuttle XPC SB75G2 proposes itself as an excellent replacement to the traditionally bulky and space-hogging PC systems where expansion is not required. Most home users, including the enthusiasts themselves can get by with a system with a good CPU, plenty of memory, a performance graphics card, an optical drive and perhaps one or two hard drives. The Shuttle XPC SB75G2 is built to cater to these lesser needs and it does it in style and elegance. (...) Overall, the Shuttle XPC SB75G2 has what it takes to be a great gaming system and a reliable standalone workstation. (...) Still, the Shuttle XPC SB75G2 is an excellent choice for a performance SFF PC if speed and power are what you demand. Hence, we've decided awarding it 4.5 out of 5 stars. (...) |
| Wir haben hier wieder ein Top-Gerät aus dem Hause Shuttle (...) An alle wichtigen Anschlüsse wurde gedacht - am Frontpanel hat man auf die wichtigsten Zugriff. Hervorragend ist auch das BIOS, das viele Einstellungen zulässt und Laune auf Overclocking macht. (...) Um die Top-Performance dieses Power-Cubes abzurunden, hat Shuttle auch noch S-ATA in Verbindung mit Raid spendiert... (...) Mancher User wird wohl meinen - er bräuchte etwas mehr Platz für eine gute Leistung - wir können ihm aber versichern, dass das angebotene Paket wirklich optimal ausgestattet ist. Interessant ist natürlich in Zeiten der bootable USB-Sticks auf ein Diskettenlaufwerk zu verzichten und eine zweite Festplatte mit Raid0 zu nutzen. Bezüglich des Sounds, der teilweise umstritten ist, konnten wir nur gute Erfahrungen machen. Pluspunkte: |
| (...) Once again Shuttle has done a really good job and the only question that remains is how many features is possible to add to these delicate systems. (...) Conclusion: (...) Both SB65G2 and SB75G2 are solid barebones with a high-class quality. Both barebones are well-equipped with S-ATA RAID, Wireless LAN (SB65) or Gigabit Ethernet (SB75) and that's really up to you what you want. Despite they have the smallest dimensions in the test, we had no real problems with installation of our components. (...) Shuttle's barebones are all the way through solid products with well thought through features, barebones that fits most people that are looking for a small computer. (...) Pros:
| Shuttle's SB75G2 XPC and Mandrake Linux 9.2 are a perfect match Testing for easy of installation, applications and compatibility, Linux Hardware concluded this package was indeed "excellent." (...) "Its [SB75G2] compatibility with Linux is perfect, and the hardware solid," gushed Linux Hardware. "Mandrake certainly made the right choice in getting a bundling deal with Shuttle." (...) The SB75G2 is Shuttle's top-of-the-line Canterwood-based XPC. Featuring support for 800MHz FSB processors, dual-channel DDR 400 with ECC, Serial ATA with RAID and gigabit LAN, this machine has the right hardware to act as a file server, SOHO or office server. (...) Well, there is use it as a desktop, of course. It would also make a most excellent homebrew PVR box as it is quite small, nearly silent, sports nice onboard sound and LAN option, and looks rather unobtrusive in its native form. "After toying and testing, I have to say that I am very impressed with the SB75G2," concluded Linux Hardware. "The look and feel are great, the onboard options excellent, and the quality is excellent." |
| Pros: - Small and compact in size - Good overclocking options and potential - I.C.E heatpipe has pretty good CPU cooling performance - Usage of thumbscrews for the cover and fan shroud allows easy installation and removal - Easy removal and installation of heatpipe - Best performance among the current Intel chipsets - Wire mesh at the side enhances cooling - Gigabit LAN - Has onboard RAID - Comes bundled with Mandrake 9.1 |
| Conclusions: The all-black XPC SB75G2 is a stylish and stealthy take on Shuttle's monstrously diminutive form factor, and with Canterwood inside, this cube is riding the cutting edge of Pentium 4 chipset technology. (...) the SB75G2 is an impressive little cube. The SB75G2 is currently the only Canterwood-based cube on the market, and it's packing one of the quietest, slickest cooling systems I've seen in a small form factor (or full-size) system. Unlike some manufacturers, Shuttle doesn't bundle remote controls, LCD screens, or a lot of other extras with its XPC systems, but the SB75G2 can easily get by on the merits of its features, performance, and form factor. (...) enthusiasts looking to squeeze every last drop of performance out of the Pentium 4 processor should do well with Shuttle's latest Black Betty. |
| Deutsche Übersetzung: Komplett mit PAT-Unterstützung, Dual-Channel DDR400, GigaBit Ethernet, Serial-ATA RAID und sogar ein Gehäusedeckel mit Gitter - das SB75G2 ist definitiv das Top-Modell aller verfügbaren Mini-PC-Systeme für Pentium 4 (...) Fazit: Schließlich kann gesagt werden, daß SB75G2 ein solides Mini-PC-System mit allen Leistungsmerkmalen ist, die auch eine i875-Implementation in voller Baugröße bietet. Für alle Overclocker, Hardcore-Gamers und Hardware-Freaks ist es jetzt Zeit, zum Mini-Format zu wechseln. Mit dieser Kombination von Overclocking-Möglichkeiten und dem neuesten und besten Intel-Chipsatz und dazu noch viele andere nette Features ist das SB75G2 das kompletteste Mini-PC-System, das wir bisher gesehen haben. English: Complete with PAT support, dual channel DDR400, gigabit Ethernet, Serial-ATA RAID, and even a meshed case cover, the SB75G2 defines top-of-the-line for current Pentium-4 based SFF systems. (...) Conclusions: For now, the SB75G2 represents the top-of-the-line Pentium-4 based SFF system, it being the only Intel i875 based SFF we’ve seen yet. With support for gigabit LAN, Serial-ATA RAID, dual-channel DDR400, and the latest Hyperthreading Pentium-4 CPU’s, it certainly packs a punch. So is it time to retire that beige box or upgrade that older SFF system? For those big beige box lovers, I can’t honestly see why you’d hold out any longer. Shuttle is giving you the Intel i875 chipset, with all the overclocking features you need. Combine that with gigabit LAN, Serial-ATA RAID, AGP 8X, I just don’t know what else you could ask for. (...) At the end of the day, the SB75G2 is a solid SFF system with all the features of a full sized i875 implementation. For all of you overclockers, hardcore gamers, and enthusiasts out there, it’s time to migrate to SFF. With this combination of overclocking options, the latest and greatest Intel chipset, as well as plenty of other bells and whistles, the SB75G2 is the most complete SFF system we’ve seen to date. |
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