Shuttle helps you with business projects and public tenders

Are you planning larger projects and need support? Please don't hesitate to contact Shuttle. We are here to provide a helping hand regarding project inquiries, public tenders and business projects for an even faster and simplified support. In order to offer our partners an extensive service, we will update and optimize our offers regularly.

What we offer:

  • Product consultation regarding project goals
  • Support with information and help with technical questions
  • Fast and simplified handling
  • Credit notes when projects are finished successfully

Shuttle supports any of your business projects such as public tenders or other B2B projects

You can either handle projects directly with Shuttle or with our official distributors. Please get in touch with them or fill in the form on our website to contact Shuttle and to provide us with basic information on the project you are planning. We will contact you immediately to discuss any further details to guarantee optimal support.

BTO Request Form

Contact information    How can we contact you?

Project Details   First technical details of your project

Technical Requirements    Do you already have detailed ideas or special wishes for your system(s)? Just define those as technical requirements below. We gladly provide individual assistance and consultation in order to configure the right system for you.

Data Privacy    We store the personal data that you make available to us. We use this information exclusively to answer your inquiry. We do not pass on any personal data to third parties.

Please accept the terms of use*

* mandatory fields
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