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2005-02-09 - Shuttle partner of the German eSports federation

2005-02-09 - Shuttle partner of the German eSports federation

Electronic sports (eSports) has its roots in Asia. Due to the growing reach of the internet, eSports’ first structures were set up in 1997. Since then the wave of interest for virtual worlds has reached Germany...

Electronic sports (eSports) has its roots in Asia. Due to the growing reach of the internet, eSports' first structures were set up in 1997. Since then the wave of interest for virtual worlds has reached Germany. LAN-parties with more than 1000 participants are nothing unusual these days. More and more people even play their matches online. Just the Shuttle-sponsored ESL counts about 400.000 gamers who regularly compete against each other. Though the enthusiasm grows and the number of gamers is high, its structures remain flexible given their relatively low profile. In order to strengthen public acceptance, the German eSports federation aims to in their efforts to influence the possible regulation of games and organize public relations at large. The German eSports federation's (esb) business is to coordinate and deal with spare time or competition oriented eSports in Germany. The esb is a higher, independent institution of the eSports Community representing both gamers and teams as well as the leagues, in addition to serving as the communication platform of the eSports Community in public. Along with Intel and ATI, Shuttle won't just join the advisory board, but will also promote and support actively as a partner of the German eSports federation the interests of the gamers.

For more information on the German eSports federation, its statutes and getting involved, visit:

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19.10.2009 16:18:48