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2005-01-10 - Les Seules at the Optihack podium

2005-01-10 - Les Seules at the Optihack podium

The Shuttle-sponsored Counterstrike team "Les Seules" took part in the female Counterstrike tournament at the Optihack in Sweden and managed to earn a place on the podium. Optihack is one of the biggest and most important LAN-Events in Scandinavia...

The Shuttle-sponsored Counterstrike team "Les Seules" took part in the female Counterstrike tournament at the Optihack in Sweden and managed to earn a place on the podium. Optihack is one of the biggest and most important LAN-Events in Scandinavia. More than 2000 people were there, making it a very competitive event. Twelve teams were part of the of the women's competition. Les Seules were able to defeat their opponents in the preliminary rounds, with the exception of the team "Catz," which bested them by a score of 16-12. While the finals didn't give Les Seules the revenge they had been hoping for, their second place finish was an achievement worth celebrating. Les Seules weren't the only ones playing on Shuttle XPCs -- so did the many attendees who were also present at the E-Life Expo. Everyone involved also had a chance to play Gotcha, ride mechanical bulls... and test Shuttle's XPCs of course!

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19.10.2009 19:53:42