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Dual Serial Port Adapter

The Shuttle XPC Accessory PC7 is a COM port adapter which provides two Serial ports to the back panel of the PC. Its slot bracket will occupy either one PCI or PCI-Express expansion slot, respectively, and connects your external peripheral devices to the RS-232 interfaces on the mainboard. It is compatible with the Shuttle XPC Barebone SA76G2 and is delivered as bulkware.

  • Model:
    Shuttle XPC Accessory PC7
  • Type:
    Back panel slot bracket adapter provides two serial ports (RS-232)
  • External connectors:
    Two 9 pin D-Sub ports (DB-9, male)
  • Internal connectors:
    Two 2x5 pin connectors for onboard headers of the serial interface of the mainboard
  • Internal cable:
    Type: ribbon cable
    Length: approx. 22 cm
  • Attachment:
    Occupies one PCI or PCI-Express expansion slot
  • Package:
    Bulk only
  • Compatibility:
    For use with Shuttle XPC Barebone SA76G2
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La série K est la meilleur marché des séries de modèles Mini-PC de Shuttle. La série K est idéale pour la bureautique et les applications simples de tous les jours.
15.10.2009 16:17:49