

  • Mini-Aluminium-Barebone-System mit Sockel A
  • unterstützt Athlon XP/Duron mit 200/266FSB
  • Chipsatz: SiS740
  • geräuscharm durch ICE-Heatpipe-Kühlung
  • Steckplätze: 2x PCI
  • 2x DDR266/200, max. 2GB
  • 6-Kanal-Audio, LAN, 3x Firewire
  • 4x USB 1.1 onboard, USB 2.0 Steckkarte


Pressestimmen über SS40G Shuttle is to be commended...
20. July 2002
Shuttle is to be commended for their accomplishments in producing such a fine unit, the quality is superior and properly used, performs up to and beyond their claims for the SS40G. Quiet great system
10. July 2002
Overall this a great system..
  • Cooling abilities
  • Q U I E T
  • Sleek look
  • Unique Cooling system for performance or quiet
  • Brightest LEDs I’ve seen on a stock case
  • Front audio, SPDIF, USB, and FireWire Ports
  • Smallest footprint for a case I have seen


NBC Beeindruckendes I.C.E.-System

09. Juli 2002
Beeindruckendes I.C.E.-System

Das beeindruckendste am SS40G ist wohl das mitgelieferte I.C.E.-System für den Prozessor. Um die enorme Hitze des AMD Athlons abzuführen haben sich die Entwickler bei Shuttle ein paar Gedanken gemacht. Entstanden ist die Integrated Cooling Engine, kurz I.C.E. Auf den Prozessor selbst kommt ein massiver Kühlkörper ohne aktive Kühlung. Dafür ist dieser Kühlkörper per Heatpipe noch einmal mit einem anderen Kühlkörper verbunden. Dieser zweite Kühlkörper sitzt genau am Gehäuselüfter, so dass hier der Gehäuselüfter den aufgeheizten zweiten Kühlkörper kühlt und gleichzeitig die warme Luft über dem ersten Kühlkörper abzieht. A Trendsetter ... the archetyp of a cult object

Lost Circuits
8. July 2002
A Trendsetter ... the archetyp of a cult object

(...) it is a trendsetter, just like the other mini-barebones systems and I don't see why any system administrator would even want to go a different road unless there are contracts. Once again, the overwhelming response of anybody looking at the SS40 was that they all wanted to have one. (...) the temperatures were still in the acceptable range, even with the XP2000+ (...) It is a great system, this SS40. (...) important is that the SS40 in its present form is the archetyp of a cult object for whatever modification any user can conjure up. (...) Seriously, if you see one, grab it before it is gone, it is a fun system and can be used in more ways one would think of in the first place, but once you have it, they will come. Life Sentence Award
24. June 2002

Tweakers Asylum Life Sentence Award

personally I was impressed by the Shuttle XPC SS40G. It was obvious to me Shuttle really put some thought and ingenuity into the SS40G. For it's quality case design, impressive list of features, ease of use and installation, down to it's great system level performance, Shuttle definitely deserves some respect for the XPC SS40G! (...) Well, I for one am sold on the idea of a minuscule"All In One" computer system. I definitely think it's a great concept and has a definite place in the computer technology world. The Shuttle XPC SS40G is a step in the right direction (...) For it's great system performance, HUGE list of included features, low price, attention to detail, and high quality components, we here at the Tweakers Asylum are pleased to give the Shuttle XPC SS40G our highest honor, the Tweakers Asylum Life Sentence Award. Editor's Choice Award

30. May 2002
Editor's Choice Award

Small - The SS40G is small. Very small. My PocketPC is smaller, but it can't play Quake 3.

Performance - The SS40G really performs for such a small system. It even gets very close to hitting 100FPS in Quake 3. Impressive. Oh, and you can like, do boring office tasks with it too :)

Features - The SS40G has a treasure trove of features. Firewire, front optical output, an excellent heatpipe/radiator system, cool looks, etc. (...)

Style - I can't say it enough. I just love the look of the SS40G. It's great, and pictures don't really do it justice. A very big shout out to the guys at Shuttle who came up with the design. Excellent job!

Noise - The quietest Small Form Factor system I have worked with. Period.

Attention to detail: Shuttle's engineers have paid very close attention to the design of the SS40G. It has places to route cables, and everything was very well thought out. They even include a very good installation manual which is quite helpful and shows you the little secrets that make assembly much simpler. (...)

So what do I think you should do? Go out and buy one. Now. What are you still reading this for? Okay, well this system isn't for everyone, but those of you who have been waiting for it I think you will definitely be glad you did. There are other manufacturers out there that are making systems like the SS40G/SS50, but Shuttle has stepped up and let everyone know who is the king in this arena. It isn't going to be easy for anyone else to dethrone Shuttle, and I can only see them getting better with time. I don't usually feel so strongly about a product, but a lot of time and effort went into the SS40G, and it shows. If you are looking for this type of system, then the SS40G comes with my recommendations, and I have also decided to give it the Editors Choice award. There will be a version with AGP in the future, and some of you may want that for a really cool LAN box, but I know many of you prefer 2 PCI slots over the 1 AGP/1 PCI configuration.


PC PowerZone U.K.: Recommende-Award

PC PowerZone
30. May 2002
Overall: 8.5 out of 10

I feel that Shuttle are making big advances each time they release a new barebones system, the SS40G being the latest and best so far. The looks are very nice indeed and the custom heatpipe solution works very well (...) I'd say the SS40G will be able to handle an XP2100+ easily. (...) Overall then, there is a lot to like about the SS40G and not much to dislike. It's easy to silence it and general performance is quite good. (...) Editor's Choice Award

28. May 2002
Editors Choice Award
When we initially looked at the SV24 from Shuttle, we wished for two things- an AMD based system and the availability of more PCI slots. Shuttle certainly listened and gave us more that what we were expecting. Besides an AMD based system and two PCI slots, you also get 5.1 audio and an extremely cool looking solution. The team at Shuttle has also done excellent job in preventing the box from heating up by using heat-pipe technology. In fact, with the SS40, we feel Shuttle has done everything right. Equip this cool looking PC with a DVD-ROM, a Kyro based 3D accelerator PCI card and a PCI TV Tuner card and we're telling you- heads will turn. Clean design and excellent cooling

Legion Hardware
18. May 2002
(...) The SS40G itself has a load of great features such as the heatsink with heatpipe technology, the clean design and the great new looks. Overall the SS40G is the best barebone solution from Shuttle performance and design wise.

+ supports AMD Athlon XP processors
+ best performance barebone from Shuttle to date
+ looks great
+ excellent cooling design
+ clean design Great features, Nice price, Quiet System

27. May 2002
Great features, Nice price, Quiet system +++ Rating 8.5 out of 10
Shuttle SS40G is a such a nice and versatile system as it can take on many different roles to suit your needs. Instantly, it can transform itself into a multimedia station if you decide to add in a TV card like ATi TV-Wonder card into the any of the 2 available PCI slots and watch TV on your monitor or watch DVD titles if you decide to add in a DVD-ROM drive. If you don't like the onboard CMedia sound chip, you can always add in a SoundBlaster Audigy card to go with a good full surround 5.1 speakers and immense yourself to watch TV, DVD, VCD and listen to nice songs in front of your monitor. You can play some games too like Quake III and RTCW but not at high resolution of course. This would make a fine system for office uses too since it is so compact and small which is most suitable for confined working area . Its sleek design will go well with a TFT monitor which will save you much desktop space thereby allow you to have space for other work. Best of all, this price of the Shuttle SS40G bare bone is pretty affordable for most consumers at around US#350.


AMDWorld U.K.: Editor's Choice Award

22. May 2002
Editors Choice Award
Conclusion: It is no doubt that Shuttle Inc have produced the SS40G to offer a choice to match the two main processor choices available for today's computing. The front fascia panel is improved over the SS50 with a clear fiberglass panel to protect the aluminum and give it polished look to match its cube type appearance. (...) with some thought and patience one should easily be able create a neat environment internally. The cooler is a safe fit and performs impressively and would not go amiss in any enthusiast built system (...) it is a class product with many features to support a multimedia digital environment and with full support of the C-MEDIA audio chip and direct video output to a TV monitor for perhaps an office DVD entertainment system or a small room. (...) To sum it up at a cost £300 aprox is it justifiable? Yes it is for those with a limited space or requires a non-obtrusive system in a lounge or living room and pair it up with a TFT monitor it will be an attraction to many and create some curiosity amongst company. Editor's Choice

OC Workbench
16. May 2002
Editors Choice

Conclusion: Shuttle SS40 is quite a breakthrough from the conventional desktop or slim casing.
(...) it has almost everything you could have thought of integrated on board. That box is really feature rich with all the necessary connectors already there for immediate usage. In fact, the SS40 is better than the SS50 as it uses a pipe heatsink. The PSU is less nosier as compared to the SS50. (...) the SiS 301 TV-out is not bad at all. With my ASUS DVD-ROM, it makes it the perfect match for my room by hooking it up with my 4 point speakers. For that, you got my Editor's Choice! The cooling system performed beyond our expectations
20. July 2002
(...) It's much more than just an aluminum case and you might even call it a cube (well, almost a cube). In reality, it is the first mini-barebones system that can handle the newer AMD line of CPU's including the AthlonXP's as stated on the box (...) One look at the Shuttle SS40G will conjure up all kinds of ideas as to its potential use. I was struck with the idea that this would make an ideal second computer, especially where available space is at a minimum and fancy features found in high-powered systems are not a necessity. With nineteen grandkids, it's easy to visualize the SS40G setup in a young person's bedroom and it would save electricity and space which is always at a premium. Additionally, it has the brightest blue LED I have ever seen anywhere (no need for a night-light) and its quiet!! Of the three different Mini-Cubes available at the time of writing, the SS40G is by far the sleekest and most innovatively designed with a feature or two only found in the SS40G. High running temperatures found in the non-AMD versions have been significantly improved with the implementation of heat-pipe cooling technology. (...) The exterior of the SS40G is very well done and of course, is constructed of brushed aluminum. (...) The back of the SS40G gives you an indication of the many goodies included. (...) To the right are the vertically mounted expansion slots; only two are available, but they are more than adequate when you consider everything else is built in. (...) Internal Features: Now it's time to really dig in to the interesting guts that make up the heart of the SS40G. As an engineer, I was very impressed by the compact design and layout of this unit, the Shuttle designers did their homework and utilized every bit of space available to them. (...) What makes it so effective, is the proper use of heat pipe technology, as the heatsink sits flat on the CPU in the desktop SS40G rather than in a vertical position as would be the situation in a tower computer case. (...) I'm happy to report that the SS40G with our AthlonXP 1700+, 256Meg's of PC2100 memory, CDRW, Floppy and 5400RPM 20Gig Hard Drive performed flawlessly with not one single crash. The cooling system performed beyond our expectations in that temperatures never exceeded 45C or 114F under heavy CPU usage. Idling temperatures ran as low as 37.8C or 100F. We took 130 temperature readings during the two day testing period and our average temperature was 42.2C or 108F. Pretty darn good, if you ask me, for such a small cramped computer, even though we were always conscious of possible over-heating which never occurred. We selected our CPU, Memory and Hard Drive to purposely try and limit the heat generated by them and yet achieve better than average performance, quiet running while generating as little heat as possible, and the numbers above indicate that we were successful!!

Shuttle is to be commended for their accomplishments in producing such a fine unit, the quality is superior and properly used, performs up to and beyond their claims for the SS40G. (...) Very interesting industrial design...

23. Aug. 2002
Adrift in a sea of motherboard makers, Shuttle appears to have hit success with their XPC case and motherboard combinations. (...) delivering a very interesting industrial design for the DIY PC. These days, most form-factor innovations seem to come from Apple, so it's refreshing to see a PC hardware vendor blazing a new trail, and getting it right. (...) Making a good thing better

The Tech Report
17. July 2002
The Shuttle cube computers are a great example of making a good thing better. (...) The integrated graphics solution (and its shared memory architecture) didn't slow things down as much as I'd expected it to (...) is for those who care less about world-beating performance and more about a slick-looking box with a small footprint. The geeks out there may scoff at the idea, but pause for a moment and consider this: That description applies to nearly every "non-geek" consumer out there, and probably applies to at least a few geeks as well. That's a huge potential market, and for those people, the SS40G certainly delivers, and with less compromise in performance or expandability than you might expect.

28. May 2002
SS40 was reviewed from (chinese)


ITHome Taiwan

20. June 2002
chinese, no translation available


Mycom PCWeb Japan: Most silent Cube PC for K7!

20. June 2002
Shuttle SS40G
Most Silent Cube PC for K7!!


Akiba/PCWeb Japan

Shuttle's SS40G is reviewed from 3 pc media on Japan (24. May 2002)

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