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XPC SN41G2 / SN41G2V2

  • Mini-Aluminium-Barebone-System mit Sockel A
  • unterstützt Athlon XP/Duron mit 200/266/333FSB
    SN41G2V2 auch 400FSB
  • Chipsatz: nVidia nForce2 (Crush 18G)
  • geräuscharm durch ICE-Heatpipe-Kühlung
  • 1x AGP (8X), 1x PCI (gleichzeitig nutzbar)
  • 2x DDR400*/333/266/200 Dual Channel, 6x USB 2.0
  • 6-Kanal-Audio, LAN, Firewire und vieles mehr
  • Neu: SN41G2V2 jetzt mit Silent-X 250W-Netzteil


Pressestimmen über SN41G2

Hardware Upgrade Italy: revealed amazing performance results

Hardware Upgrade Italy
8. April 2003


Conclusion: The performance tests for Shuttle SN41G2 barebone have outlined an excellent situation: the FN41 mainboard used for this system has similar performances to the excellent Asus A7N8X when used with external VGA. The nForce2 chipset confirms to be the best solution for Socket A processors, being able to provide a good performance level even with 3D graphic when it’s used the north bridge embedded chipset. That’s the most interesting feature of Shuttle mainboard, as it allows to get well enough frames levels at 1024x768 resolution, without needing to buy immediately an external VGA. 
To be able to get the best from this barebone, it’s necessary to use 2 DDR memory modules, in order to activate the Dual Channel memory controller. If you use the video on board, infact, the system memory is partially used as video memory: the wider is the available system memory bandwidth, the higher will be the performance level of embedded video in executing 3D games.
When you buy a Mini-PC, it’s supposed that such a device will maintain a great silence while working. SN1G2 guarantees, during the use, a noise level comparable to a good branded PC desktop, that is not disturbing you at all. When the temperature will reach values over the standard level, especially when the PC is full employed, the cooling fan increases its rotation speed, causing an heavier level of noise, that becomes clearly perceivable. It hasn’t been an high level, but clearly perceived. (...)
The price seems to be – in general – correct, considering the technological contents. (... the price is) proportioned to the configuration (a very good aluminium cabinet, Ac power, mainboard nForce 2) and to the product charme that the Shuttle barebone for sure delivers.


PC World U.K.: Best bet for small but powerful Athlon system

Personal Computer World
issue March 2003, page 68 ff
SN41G2 in Mini PC round up
(...) Shuttle dominates this market with solutions that can take the latest CPUs and 3D graphics cards. (...) The Athlon CPU is cooled by Shuttle's cunning heatpipe technology which transfers heat to a vertically mounted radiator, itself cooled by a quiet 80mm fan. (...)
Overall: Once again, Shuttle has proved a small PC can keep up with the fast desktops. There is a huge range of ports, and support for the fastest Athlon XPs and 3D graphics cards. The Nforce2 chipset also performs well, making this the best bet for those building small but powerful Athlon systems.
+ Small
+ Great looking
+ Great connectivity
+ Excellent Socket A performance


PC Professionale Italy: Power and expandibility in small form factor

PC Professionale Italy
Issue April 2003, page 94-96
Power and expandibility in small form factor
The list of the barebone systems of the taiwanese producer is become larger with a solution for AMD platform that takes maximum advantage of the chipset nForce2.


CeBIT Messezeitung: Zukunftsweisende PC-Generation

CeBIT Messezeitung (MZ)
Ausgabe 12. März 2003, Seite 18
Gut gekühlt, lange haltbar
Die neuen XPC blinken im modernen Aluminiumgehäuse

Mit dem "XPC" stellt Shuttle Computer eine zukunftsweisende PC-Generation vor - kompakt, leicht, stilvoll, leistungsstark. (...) Die Minis kommen (von Dennis Bode)
27. March 2003
Die Minis kommen!
Hardware-Hersteller Shuttle hat mit einer innovativen Idee zunächst eine echte Marktlücke besetzt und inzwischen einen regelrechten Boom ausgelöst. Seit einiger Zeit bietet das Unternehmen Mini-PCs im Würfelformat an, die kaum größer als ein GameCube ausfallen, todschick aussehen und dazu in neuen Revisionen so leistungsfähig wie ein Desktop-PC sind. Gleich mehrere Modelle, die auf einer Intel- oder AMD-Plattform aufsetzen, inklusive reichhaltiger Zubehör-Palette bietet Shuttle an. (... sie kommen) nicht nur in einem hochwertig verarbeiteten Aluminium-Gehäuse, sondern sind als so genannte "Barebones" gleich mit einem passenden Mainboard, Netzteil und einer innovativen CPU-Kühlung bestückt, die mit Heatpipes arbeitet und die Abwärme über einen einzigen geregelten Lüfter nach außen abführt. Eines der neusten Mitglieder der Shuttle-Barebone Systeme ist das SN41G2 auf AMD-Basis. Bereits das Intel-Pendant, das Shuttle SB51G, zählt zu den kleinsten und leistungsfähigsten PC-Systemen mit Intel-Chipsatz. Mit dem nForce 2-Chipsatz beim SN41G2 könnte Shuttle diesen Erfolg auch bei AMD-basierten Barebones erzielen.

Fazit: Das Barebone-System von Shuttle sieht richtig gut aus und das Konzept kann durchweg überzeugen. Neben der Optik stimmen auch die inneren Werte, wie die Performance-Werte eindrucksvoll unterstreichen. Ein leistungsfähiger PC muss nicht mehr groß, schwer, klobig und hässlich sein. Das Barebone-Konzept begeistert durchweg und lässt sich flexibel nutzen. Vom High-End Lan-Party PC über den stylischen Büro-Rechner im Flüsterbetrieb bis hin zur unauffälligen Heim-Multimedia-Zentrale reicht das Anwendungsgebiet eines Barebones. Shuttle has the SFF crown...

27. March 2003
Conclusion: Shuttle has raised the bar for small form factor designs with the SN41G2. They took the perfect small form factor chipset, and improved upon previous small factor designs to create a system that doesn't compromise on performance despite its small size. With a full line of accessories and plans for an 802.11b module the pot is sweetened. (...) As it stands Shuttle has the small form factor crown with an excellent implementation of the nForce 2 features. That's something no other company has seemed to be ready to match. With small form factors in the works for Opteron and Athlon 64 Shuttle seems poised to keep their lead.

Fazit: Mit dem SN41G2 hat Shuttle die Latte für Mini-PC-Systeme höher gelegt. Sie nahmen den perfekten Chipsatz für Mini-Systeme und verbesserten vorherige Mini-Designs, um ein System zu erschaffen, das bezüglich Performance keine Kompromisse eingeht, etwa wegen seiner geringen Abmessungen. Zusammen mit einer kompletten Zubehörpalette und dem geplanten Wireless-LAN Modul wird die Sache noch besser. (...) So wie es aussieht, hat Shuttle mit einer exzellenten Implementierung der nForce2-Leistungsmerkmale die SFF-Krone [d.i. hat die Führung bei


Conclusion: The barebone-system from Shuttle looks very good and the idea is all of it convincing. Beside the appearance the barebone has impressive performances, too. A powerful PC needn´t to be big, heavy, bulky and ugly. The idea is enthusiastically and is flexible useful. You can use the barebone as a high-end-LAN-party PC, a quietly stylish office-PC or as a home-multimedia-entertainment-center, too. 

 Mini-PC-Systemen inne]. Das ist etwas, wogegen keine andere Firma etwas passendes zu bieten hat Mit ihren Mini-Systemen, die sie bereits für Opteron und Athlon 64 entwickeln, scheint Shuttle seine Führungsposition zu behalten.


Hardware-Test Denmark
19. Feb. 2003

Editor's Choice Award (Translation into English)
Conclusion: I'm simply impressed over this Shuttle machine - It has incredible much to offer to people and it doesn't take up much room. (...) with a bigger graphics card in the AGP slot the machine would be perfect as a gaming machine, which you can carry with you to LAN party's. For people who are looking for a multimedia machine for the living room or for office use, I can recommend the standard set up of the Shuttle. It isn't a big unmanageable box as most computers today. Instead, it's small and worth to show it to people who are visiting you. Due to this and all the features it has, I don't have other choices than giving it our "Editors Choice" award. Though it hasn't got so many expansions slot's, but hey - that's not point with a Shuttle barebone.

+  I.C.E. heatpipe cooling
+  USB2.0
+ FireWire
+ Onboard soundcard
+ Onboard LAN
+ 2 VGA ports
+ TV-Out
+ General high system performance
+ Good performance from the onboard vga card
+ Aluminium case
+ Soft edge on the case
+ The ports/jacks on the front
+ The unique design Recommendation and "Top Produkt" Award (Germany)
7. März 2003

SN41G2 erhielt von Thors-Hardware nicht nur die Empfehlung der Redaktion, sondern den äußerst selten vergebene Auszeichnung "Top Produkt".

Ich finde das Shuttle System sehr praktisch und es ist sehr gut verarbeitet. Man hat alles was man braucht und noch ein bisschen mehr. Es kann problemlos mit "grossen" Rechnern mithalten und ist transportabel - LAN Freunde werden wissen was ich meine. Der Aufbau des Systems ist kinderleicht und damit sollte eigentlich jeder zurecht kommen. Die Kühlung ist, für die Gehäusegrösse, beeindruckend und relativ leise. Das einzige was etwas stört, ist der kleine Netzteillüfter, der mit ca. 5200 Umdrehungen arbeitet. Eine aktive Regelung für diesen Lüfter wäre wünschenswert. Alles in Allem macht das System einen sehr guten Eindruck. Ich kann es nur jedem empfehlen, der entweder wenig Platz hat, oder noch einen Rechner für das Wohnzimmer braucht. (...) Amazing little machine - deserves 5-star award
27. Feb. 2003
An amazing little machine which deserves 5-star award 

Conclusion: The Shuttle XPC SN41G2 small form factor (SFF) bare bone system is an amazing little machine. Not much larger than a big shoebox, it can house some rather formidable components to make some desktop systems look like yesterday’s has-beens. It is also perhaps the smallest partially configurable SFF system available. Its brushed aluminum finishing and all aluminum construction gives it an elegant look as well as ensuring that it is lightweight. (...)
Not only will you have a great sound system, but you will also have decent graphics on-board with the integrated GeForce4 MX core. So if you aren’t an ardent 3D-gamer, you can even forego the graphics card purchase for the time being and reserve its AGP 8x slot for a more powerful card in future. The SN41G2 is also equipped with dual VGA output and an S-Video TV-output that makes full use of the supported features in the GeForce4 MX graphics core. (...)
the range of applications available to the Shuttle XPC SN41G2 user is almost endless. It is small enough to almost fit any nook and cranny, powerful enough to compete with the speediest desktop systems when using the right components and it looks chic at the same time. LAN-gaming, home-systems, HTPC setups, smart office workstations, presentation systems, you name the use and the XPC SN41G2 would probably be able to fulfill its role. A valuable asset to anybody, there's no reason why we shouldn't give the XPC SN41G2 a deserving 5-star award. Editor's Choice Award - 9.5 out of 10
27. Feb. 2003
Editor's Choice Award - 9.5 out of 10
Shuttle has done an excellent job with the SN41G2 XPC.

The nForce2 powering the FN41 motherboard used in this small form factor PC, seems like the perfect chipset for this type of system. The nForce2's integrated GeForce 4 MX graphics processor may not be ideal for hard core gamers, but it is still the best integrated solution on the market today. With the SN41G2, you'll also be treated to some of the best integrated audio, and a host of other features like USB 2.0, Firewire, 10/100 Ethernet and near silent operation. Aesthetically, we also find the new case design more appealing than previous models in Shuttle XPC line. When using an add-in graphics card, performance is every bit as good as a full sized system, in a package about 1/2 the size of an average ink-jet printer. The only drawback to the SN41G2 is the limited upgrade path, unless your comfortable using external components. (...) Shuttle will have to "settle" for a 9.5 on the HotHardware Heat Meter, a coveted Editor's Choice Award and our declaration of the SN41G2 the best small form factor PC we have seen to date.

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