Utilities file "xpctools.zip" xpctools.zip, size: 2 M, RELEASE version on 20080624 ====================================================== This file can be used for the product(s): * Barebone SD30G2 * Barebone SD30G2 PLUS * Barebone SD30G5 * Barebone SG31G2 * Barebone SG33G5 * Barebone SG33G5M * Barebone SG33G5M DELUXE * Barebone SG33G6 DELUXE * Barebone SN68PTG5 * Barebone SN68PTG6 DELUXE * Barebone SN68SG2 * Barebone SP35P2 * Barebone SP35P2 PRO * Barebone SX38P2 PRO Original Download URL: http://image.shuttle.com/ResourceCenter/download_file.jsp?file_id=11180 Remark: -- Shuttle Inc. Taiwan http://www.shuttle.com - updated on: 07/10/2008