Bios file "fx43s410.bin" fx43s410.bin, size: 512 K, RELEASE version on 20031230 ====================================================== This file can be used for the product(s): * Barebone SK43G * Barebone SK43G SE Original Download URL: Remark: Data code:12/30/03 checksum :A000 1. Patch SATA channel 2 can't install OS when using IDE mode 2. BIOS Write protect default disable 3. Onboard FDC Controller default disable 4. Patch Intel 82559 lan card can't resume from S5 5. Patch FSB133 cpu change to FSB166 can't boot 6. Patch Reboot tool hang up before enter OS 7. Support Duron 1.3GHz Palomino CPU 8. Update code for KM400 Ver.B Shuttle Inc. Taiwan - updated on: 28/03/2008