When you want to install SDRam memory, please follow pictures as below.

Figure 2.1 Short circuit of the JP1 (1-2) for SDRam voltage (3.3v)

Figure 2.2 Open the rows jumper
When you want to install DDR memory

Figure 2.3 Open the JP1 (1-2) for DDR voltage (2.5v)

Figure 2.4 Short circuit of the rows jumper
After installing the driver for ATI series AGP 4x VGA card on MV42N mainboard, why do I get a blank screen? Then no matter what I do, system powers up but still blank screen.
Please follow the following steps to avoid the problems :
- Disable AGP 4x mode or change to 2x mode in Bios
- Install O.S
- Install VIA 4-in-1 drivers (4.29V or later)
- Install ATI VGA driver
- Enter to O.S
- Restart the system and go back to Bios Setup to enable AGP 4x mode.
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