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Mainboard AV40, AV40R

Press reviews about AV40


Hard 'n' Soft: "Victory Award"

Hard 'n' Soft
Computer magazine Ukraine

Issue 12 / 2001
Shuttle AV40 won Victory award


Computer Magazine Czech: "Best buy award"

"Computer" magazine Czech
Issue 4/2002
Best buy award
(the best product of issue 04/2002)

Translation: There is no chance to write anything else, than the mainboard Shuttle was surprise of the test. The benchmark results were always better than average, layout of MB is good balanced and real surprise was big possibilities for set up in BIOS. It is very easy to set up and adjust the system, especially memory, by this tool. The overcloking of CPU is also very comfortable! Regarding the not high price is Shuttle AV40R really one of the good and interesting piece of hardware and the investment to it is decidedly good choice!


PC Welt: "4 von 5 Punkten, Platz 4"

PC Welt
Ausgabe Februar 2002
19. Nov. 2001
4 von 5 Punkten, Platz 4
Testurteil: Die Shuttle Spacewalker AV40R ist eine ordentliche und relativ günstige Platine. (...) mit dabei: 1 Ultra-DMA/100-Raid-Controller Promise PDC20265R. Sie können 100 bis 160 MHz Systemtakt (Front Side Bus) in 1-MHz-Schritten und eine CPU-Spannung von 1,1 bis 1,850 Volt in 0,025-Volt-Schritten einstellen - sehr gut. Noten: Ausstattung = 2,0 / Übertaktung = 2,1 / Handhabung = 1,4 / Service = 1,9

Conclusion: The Shuttle/Spacewalker AV40R is a respectable and relatively affordable board.


Tweak Town: "Rating 8.5 of 10"
24. Jan. 2002
Rating 8.5 of 10
I really like the Shuttle AV40R

One thing I must pay credit to Shuttle/VIA is the stability of AGP on the AV40R. Most other VIA boards I have used previously had some minor (or major) problem with AGP performance and/or stability. I am pleased to say that demanding AGP transfers didn’t upset the AV40R one bit - well done to Shuttle and VIA! Combined with falling CPU prices, and the widespread availability of DDR SDRAM, the future looks a lot brighter for the Pentium 4 than it did six months ago. Thanks to manufacturers like Shuttle who grasped the opportunity with both hands, the variety and choice in the Socket 478 motherboard market has taken a turn in the consumer’s favor.

Pros: DDR SDRAM is a good compromise between cost and performance, Extremely stable board (except under Windows XP*), Nice range of features, Tweakable BIOS, Low price, Widely available now
*) maybe a driver problem

11. January 2002
Overall: (...) The VIA P4X266 chipset performs on a par with or even better than the i845-D. (...) The chipset is a fine effort from VIA, even though it's currently surrounded by the angry Intel lawyers. Being a V-MAP chipset the recently released A revision of the chipset (P4X266A) slots right in and is pin compatible. Shuttle have recently released the AV45GT based on the new chipset which offers further performance boosts over the revision used in the AV40R on test today. (...) The performance was slightly higher than expected and the core features are fine.


PC Chip Croatia: "Recommendation"

PC Chip Croatia
issue: Jan/2002, page 43

It is, of course, VIA P4X266 chipset - first chipset that united successfully DDR memory and Pentium 4 processor. (...) various benchmark application will show acceleration of about 15% compared to similar motherboard with i845 chipset. (...) One of important parts of Spacewalker AV40R motherboard is onboard RAID controller, which gives speed at ATA 100 standard. (...) It would be nice to see that other manufacturers follow Shuttle example. We will give this motherboard good rating and recommend it to anyone who wants fast and good equipped motherboard designed for Pentium 4 processors.


PC Professionell: "Gesamtwertung: Sehr gut"

PC Professionell
Ausgabe 3/2002 Seite 118ff
12 P4-Mainboards mit DDR
Gesamtwertung: "Sehr gut"
AV40R erhält dritten Platz in der Gesamtwertung


OC Workbench: "Best Price/Performance Award"

OC Workbench
January 2002
Socket 423/478/Pentium 4:
Best Price/Performance Award


PC Games Hardware: "Bestes Sockel 478 Board"

PC Games Hardware

Heft 11/2001, Seite 66
Bestes Sockel-478-Board (von 8)

Preiswert und schnell: Das Shuttle-Board ist die einzige Serien-Platine im Test, die mit VIAs P4X266-Chipsatz arbeitet. Die Performance ist gut, das reicht für den Testsieg.

(...) wir haben die für Spieler augenblicklich beste Pentium-4-Platine für den Sockel 478 gesucht. Mit dem Shuttle-Board haben wir sie gefunden. Die Ausstattung ist gut, der Promise-RAID-Controller unterstützt die die Betriebsarten "0" und "1". Für Übertakter gibt es alle wichtigen Optionen. Der FSB-Takt wird zwischen 100 und 160MHz gewählt, die Prozessorspannung kann per BIOS erhöht werden. Außerdem bietet das Board viele Optionen für das Speicher-Tuning. Insgesamt ein relativ schnelles und sehr günstiges Pentium-4-Mainboard.

Award: "Best Socket478 Mainboard!"
(out of 8 tested mainboards)
Good value and fast: Shuttles mainboard is the only available mainboard in our test, which is equipped with VIAs P4X266 chipset. It wins the test because of its good performance. (...) We have simply looked for the best Pentium-4-mainboard with Socket 478 for gamer which is currently available on the market. We found it with the Shuttle-Board. It is well equipped, the Promise-RAID-Controller supports mode 0 and 1. It offers all important settings for overclocking. The FSB can be set between 100 and 166MHz. The CPU voltage can be increased within the BIOS. The board also offers many options for the memory timing. We conclude that it is a relatively fast and very cheap Pentium-4-mainboard.


Digit-Life "This board scores the best results in our tests"
This board scores the best results in our tests.


BetaNews Korea: "2001 Supreme product"

Betanews Korea
11. Jan. 2002
Shuttle AV40 was awarded for "2001' Supreme product" from BetaNews!


Digital Times Korea: "2001, second half year's Hit product"

Digital Times Korea
11. Jan. 2002
Shuttle AV40 won "2001, second half year's Hit product" from Digital Times!


How PC Korea: "How PC's Best Choice"

How PC Korea
11. Jan. 2002
Shuttle AV40 was awarded for "HOW PC's Best Choice" from HOW PC!


BrainBox Korea: "Top-Class's Product"

BrainBox Korea
11. Jan. 2002
Shuttle AV40 won "Top-Class's Product" from BrainBox! "Technoa Choice Product"

Technoa (Korea)
25. Dec. 2001
Shuttle AV40 has been selected as a "Technoa Choice Product"



4. Jan. 2002
VIA P4X266 Motherboard Roundup from Anandtech

"(...) The AV40/R offers many more voltage tweaking options than any of the other motherboards in this roundup which is what we've come to expect from most manufacturers, but we've been left disappointed with most of the competing solutions in this roundup; it's good to see that Shuttle put more effort into the production of the AV40/R than most. (...)"


Tech Report: "Rating 10 of 11"

The Tech Report (website)
24. Sept. 2001
Rating 10 of 11

Conclusion: Shuttle has delivered another successful enthusiasts' motherboard, and because of its unique position in the market, it's one of the most exciting mobos to come along in quite a while. The AV40R delivers on the potential of VIA's P4X266 chipset; it's a DDR-based Pentium 4 platform that will run—and in many cases outrun—the RDRAM-based competition. The AV40R even outruns VIA's own reference motherboard most of the time. Those folks who have been questioning whether the Pentium 4 would perform as well with PC2100 DDR memory as with PC800 RDRAM have their answer: the AV40R is a full production end-user motherboard, on the market now, that matches the 850 chipset/RDRAM solutions stride for stride. (...) the AV40R is golden—especially for its #119 list price.


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Shuttle Computer - European Headquarters - All rights reserved - Date: 30.4.2008