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Mainboard AK31

 Press reviews about AK31 About AK31 v3.1 PC Welt: "Sockel A Testsieger: Platz 1" 4x full user rating for AK31 v3.1Craft 464: "Preis/Leistungssieger"PC-Extreme: "AK31 v3.1 als Referenzboard für Vergleichstests gewählt"AnandTech: "...board can be had for less than $100 which is definitely a positive."c't Magazin: "..vier gute funktionierende Speicher-Slots.."HardwarePub: "Overall 9.5 of 10"WCM Austria: "Günstig, schnell und stabil..."Overclock PC: "Recommendation Award"Active Hardware: "Top Grade Hardware Award"DinoXPC: "Final Score: 9.5/10"Hot Hardware: "Rating 9 of 10"X86-Secret: "This Motherboard literally outperforms competition"AMDPower: "Seal of Approval"VR-Zone: "Editors Choice"AMDMB: "Rating 9 of 10"Club Overclocker: "Seal of Approval" "Editors Choice"PC-Mag: "Wir können es allen Leuten empfehlen" "AMD3D Award for 2001" "Editor's Choice - Rating: 4,5 of 5"Planet 3Dnow: "Das finden wir gut..."Legion Hardware: "Full rating for Features, Compatibility, Value and Performance!"Socket A: "94 out of 100"AMDWorld: "This board is far superior in performance than the AMD760 & SiS based boards" "94%.."T-Break: "Editors Choice"Hardware-Test Denmark: "safe buy"Anandtech: "..a big kudos of the Shuttle engineering team"PC Games Hardware: "Wertung 1,9"PC World Norway: "Platz 2 der Athlon/DDR-Boards"Hardwareluxx: "11 von 12 Punkten"HIRC Italy: "Shuttle has done a great job.."Overclocker TaiwanSweclockers: "Good value, stable, overclocker" Sehr schnell und stabilVoid your warranty About AK31 v2.0 Editors Choice 9/10Tweak 3D: "I prefer the Shuttle AK31 v2..."PC-Magazin: "..wahrscheinlich eines der schnellsten derzeit erhältlichen Mainboards..."DinoXPC: "What a fantastic board"PenStar System, LCC: "Overall Score: 95%" "Rating 9 of 10" "..never failed in our 48 hour stress test."VIAHardware: "Editors Choice - Rating: 4.5 of 5.0" "Empfehlung der Redaktion"AMDWorld: "Silver Award"Hardwareluxx: "Excellent Hardware Award"Tech Report: "Overall Rating: 10 of 11"Active Hardware: "Top Grade Hardware Award" "Editor's Choice Award"Lost Circuits: "Das AK31 verdient eine Spitzenposition" "Value All Star"Club Overclocker: "...the best DDR, overclocking board..."PC Games Hardware: "...Insgesamt überraschte das Board positiv."TBreak: "Editor's Choice"General Protection Fault: "Highly Recommended" "...the best features of any KT266 board I have testet so far." "...eindeutig einen grossen Wurf gelandet."Meet the Geek: "Award: 10 out of 10"Tom's Hardware Guide: "6 PCI, 4 DIMMs und schnell!"Legion Hardware: "94% out of 100!"Technically Hardware Analysis: "...AK31 wins up clearly..."ITC Online: "BIOS has all the overclockers features which exceed competitors.." About AK31 v1.x PC Welt: Eine empfehlenswerte PlatineTecChannel: mit hilfreichen BIOS Featuresc't Magazin: ...ganze 4 Speichersockel!Overclocker Taiwan

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