Pfad: Home XPC SV24
![]() Linux Magazin Ausgabe 6/2002 Seite 66,67 | Silberkästchen Fazit: Shuttle Spacewalker SV24 ist ein formschönes Gerät, kompakt und edel im Design. Durch das überaus reichhaltige Schnittstellenangebot läßt es sich trotz Platzmangel erweitern, etwa mit Firewire-Festplatten oder USB-Framegrabber-Karten. Besonderes Lob verdient die Verlegung von zwei USB-Anschlüssen sowie Kopfhörer- und Mikrofonbuchse auf die Gehäusefront - einfach praktisch. (...) |
![]() Tom's Hardware Guide Deutsch: 21. Dez. 2001 | Dieses ultrakompakte Barebone-System hat uns überzeugt! Kompakter geht es nicht: PC-Technik auf kleinstem Raum - Platine mit Grafik, Sound, Netzwerk, Fire Wire sowie Platz für eine 1100 MHz CPU und 1024 MB Speicher. Vollkommen bestücktes Board mit allen Komponenten samt Kabel. (...) Wir zeigen am Beispiel des Basissystems von Spacewalker/Shuttle, wie sich mit relativ wenig Aufwand ein individueller und ultrakompakter PC zusammenbauen lässt. Im Gegensatz zu den konventionellen PC-Systemen sind bei diesem Rechner alle Komponenten auf engstem Raum untergebracht. (...) Für eine Integration ins Netzwerk sowie den Anschluss von digitalen Videokameras ist bestens gesorgt. Uns hat die Konfiguration und Montage dieses kleinen Mini-PCs viel Freude bereitet. (...) Ein Alleinstellungsmerkmal bei einem PC-System dieser Größe sind die beiden Fire-Wire-Schnittstellen. Über dieses Interface lassen sich beispielsweise digitale Videokameras (DV-Kameras) oder Festplatten schnell und unkompliziert anschließen. (...) Die Festplatte wird in einer Art Schublade untergebracht und lässt sich bequem aus- und einbauen. (...) Die integrierte S3-Grafik erlaubt es, dass Videosignal auch über ein TFT-Display oder einen Fernseher auszugeben. (...) Fazit: Modetrend bei PCs - nicht Maxi sondern Mini! Dieses ultrakompakte Barebone-System hat uns überzeugt : Wir haben den Rechner mit einem Intel Pentium III/1000 und 512 MB Arbeitsspeicher (SDRAM-PC133) bestückt, so dass ein leistungsfähiger Allround-PC der Marke Eigenbau entstanden ist. Der Clou dabei: Das schicke Gehäuse mit Aluminium-Blenden ist ein optischer Blickfang gegenüber den konventionellen und vor allem voluminösen 08/15-Gehäusen. Erstaunliches zeigt auch die Waage: Der voll ausgestattete PC wiegt knapp 4,6 Kilogramm - vom Volumen her beansprucht er gerade einmal ein Viertel von dem, was ein vergleichbares System besitzt. Damit konkurriert der Mini-PC sowohl mit einem klassischen Desktop-System als auch mit einem modernen Notebook. (...) Unter dem Strich bleibt: Unser Eigenbau-System, basierend auf dem Shuttle SV24 Kit, ist ideal für den Einsatz im Office geeignet. Zusätzlich kann der PC zur Wiedergabe von DVDs oder MP3-Audiodateien verwendet werden. Ebenso steht dem Rippen von DVDs auf Festplatte/CD-R und anschließenden Umwandeln nach MPEG-4 nichts im Wege. (...) Translation: |
![]() Chip Magazin Ausgabe März 2002, Seite 177 | Aluwürfel: Shuttle beweist, dass PC-Design durchaus elegant sein kann ... ideal neben der Mini-HiFi-Anlage.![]() |
![]() Computer Partner Österreich Ausgabe Feb/2002, Seite 15 | Der Powerzwerg Fazit: Der Spacewalker ist eine originelle und qualitativ hochwertige Lösung für Platzsparmeister. Wer keinen Hang zum permanenten Aufrüsten hat, ist hier optimal bedient. Eine scharfe Konkurrenz für Office-Midigehäuse und auch Notebooks. |
![]() Hexus 2. February 2002 | The Ideal PC for Home Theatre or LAN parties. I'd have to say, this is the best piece of hardware I've bought for a long time. I've never liked integrated hardware on motherboards, but when you look at what is built onto this motherboard and you see how it performs i was amazed. Pro's: The Size, Aluminum, Removable HD tray at rear, Thumbscrews, Very light, 2 Firewire ports, 2 USB ports on the front and 2 on the rear, Line-in and Line out ports on the front, Price, Portability, 10/100 LAN onboard, S-Video out |
![]() PC World Czech issue 3/2002 | PC World Top-Produkt award On the whole the case made a big impression on us. Highly appraised: aluminum design, compact size, connectivity, number of ports, FireWire port, 2 USB ports at front, 2 at the back, S-Video port |
![]() Din Side, Norway 12. Feb. 2002 | Low Noise Mini-PC (no translation available) |
![]() Hardware-Test Denmark English: 29. Jan. 2002 ![]() | Conclusion: This BareBone, who they are called, is simply too awesome. It runs fast, doesn’t make high noise, and best of all, you can play Quake3 on it in 640x480 without too much of lag. It is really stable and got all the things onboard the mobtherboard. Another lovely thing is, that it is made out of aluminium, and therefore it doesn’t weight very much and looks a little more interesting than other cases. It is also very practical, cause you can just take it under your arm and walk other where with it - it’s an alternative to a portable computer. The BareBone is suitable for a office machine or think like that, cause it’s easy to mount and make ready for use, and it doesn’t either cost fortune to buy the hardware for it. It does look very pretty, and you got to stack 3 of them to get the same height as a midi tower case. Pros: Stable, Looks nice, Unbelievably small, Runs well in games in an okay resolution, Made of aluminium, Onboard FireWire, Onboard TV-out, Onboard netkort |
![]() ITC Online - Ukraine 23. January 2002 | conclusion: SV24 looks wonderful, works silently, everything built-in except modem |
![]() PC World Norge Issue 1/2002, page 20 | Translation: Add the desired processor, harddisk and memory, and you will have a complete PC system. The case is pretty small - over all only 16cm height, 19cm width and 26,5cm depth. It is designed in silvergrey-metallic color and with silver buttons, this is reason enough for many people to buy this case. (...) |
![]() 8. Jan. 2002 ![]() | SV24 + C3 CPU: Editors Choice The SV24/C3 combo is a match made in heaven. We've seen attractive PCs in the past but they're usually a little bigger that what we would like them to be. Shuttle manages to show some mighty impressive engineering with the SV24 by making it really compact and fully featured. What's really cool about the SV24 is that it doesn't market itself as a heavy duty PC and you're not going to buy it to get lightning frame rates in Quake 3. Which is why it makes perfect sense to add a C3 CPU inside it that will keep the box a lot more cooler than a Celeron or a P3. VIA has done a real good job with the C3, especially in the Price department. It's definitely the coolest CPU to enter t-break labs. We've heard reports of the C3 managing to run the Quake3 time-demo all night long WITHOUT a heat-sink. That is definitely saying something. We whole heartedly recommend the SV24 with a Cyrix C3 processor. We weren't disappointed and we know that you wont be either. |
![]() HOT Hardware 30. Dez. 2001 ![]() | Editor's Choice At the end of testing out the SV-24 Mini Barebones System, we couldn't help but be fascinated at how the folks at Shuttle managed to get so much into such a small system. Creating a system that is no larger than a shoe box without sacrificing too much in performance is nothing short of an engineering wonder. Through out the testing of this product we found that the SV-24 offered an awful lot in such a small package. With the integration of such key features like Fire wire, LAN and TV-Out, this system truly offers the enthusiast a system that will be useful for some time to come. At an MSRP of #250, the SV-24 is a steal. If you were to build a simple workstation/server rig with similar features, you could easily exceed that cost by #100 or more. In the near future Shuttle will be offering newer versions of the mini barebones system with both Athlon and Pentium 4 support. (...) we feel that the new SV-24 Mini Barebones System is an excellent product. With an innovative design that doesn't skimp on quality and features, the SV-24 offers the user a lot of flexibility to customize this system in a way that will suite their needs. |
![]() PCBee Korea 11. Jan. 2002 | Shuttle SV24 won "Popular Model in 2001" award from PCB! |
![]() DSLl/Cable Webserver 28. Dec. 2001 | Possible uses of the SV24 include serving as a portable LAN gaming box, a home entertainment MP3 or DVD server, workstation in an nice office, or a home webserver. I'm sure that you can think of many instances where the SV24 would be preferable over a regular PC based on its size and style. (...) The entire frame is made of aluminum, not just the outer case and face plate. Just by holding the case, I was surprised at how easy it is to pick up the computer and move it around. (...) Measuring at 178 mm X 190 mm, this board is tiny considering how many integrated components are on board. (...) The SV24 comes in a very nice retail box with the name "Spacewalker" on it. (...) A nice surprise that I found in the retail package was a low profile heatsink (...) Speaking of video, the picture quality from the TV out was pretty decent and looked good on my 36 inch Sony Wega television. (...) In fact, I didn't have a single lockup or crash while running Windows 2000 on this computer. (...) This reliability is probably due to the fact that many of the peripherals are all integrated onto the motherboard and designed to work together. (...) All in all, the SV24 is a cool little machine that will serve you well in a variety of situations. (...) Sure, you could build your own box, but could you do it for cheaper and make it look as cool? I don't think so. (...) Instead of taking us down the long and straight road of faster performance, the SV24 tries to break free from our traditional views of what a computer is supposed to do, and moves into a new way of looking at computing. The SV24 isn't the fastest or the most powerful computer out there, but it certainly must be one of the most versatile. |
![]() PC Powerzone (U.K.) 30. Dec. 2001 | Overall rating: 9 out of 10. I like the SV24 a lot, it's very stylish, small and useful. It's not very good for 3D games but if you install an all-in-one drive such as the RICOH MP9200-DP which is a combined CD-RW and DVD-ROM drive, you have a very useful little machine indeed. You could use it for writing CD's, listening to music, watching DVD's, surfing the 'net, etc. etc. this could be for you. If desk space is tight and you're not really into 3D games - this could be just the ticket! If you're looking for a backup second system or maybe one for the kids - the SV24 should be on your shortlist for sure! The good: Amazingly small footprint - about A4 size, brushed aluminium case, highly integrated, 4 USB ports, on-board FireWire, inexpensive for what it is, supports UDMA100, very light, could carry it anywhere, excellent DVD playback, the 'fun' factor! |
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