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Mainboard AK35GT, AK35GTR

  AK35GTR (v1.x) mit VIA KT266A-Chipsatz

Pressestimmen über AK35GTR


PC Stats: "AK35GTR is easily one of the most luxurious KT266A based motherboards"

31. Jan. 2002
Conclusions: The Shuttle AK35GTR is easily one of the most luxurious KT266A based motherboards out there after all, it features 6 PCI slots, on board hardware 5.1 audio, on board Ultra/133 RAID controller and 4 DIMM slots. There are only a handful of other boards that can stand up to that list of features. As far as performance goes, since the AK35GTR is using VIA's KT266A we expected that performance would be good, and the board didn't disappoint. Stability wasn't a problem even with all 4 DIMM slots filled with different types of memory. (...) gamers will find a very nice increase by simply upping the bus speed. The AK35GTR's biggest asset is it's extremely low price. For #180 CDN, it offers a very good value for the amount of features is carries. It's closest competitor is on the order #40 more! Way to go Shuttle, great board!

Empfehlung der Redaktion
Das Shuttle AK35GTR is einfach eines der luxoriösesten Boards mit KT266A-Chipsatz. Es hat 6 PCI-Slots, onboard 5.1 Soundchip, onboard Ultra/133 RAID-Controller und 4 DIMM-Steckplätze. Es gibt nur eine Handvoll Boards, die mit dieser Liste an Leistungsmerkmalen mithalten können. Was die Performance angeht: AK35GTR benutzt den VIA KT266A-Chipsatz und wir erwarteten deshalb eine gute Performance - und das Board enttäuscht uns nicht. Stabilität ist überhaupt kein Problem gewesen, selbst wenn all 4 DIMM-Sockel mit verschiedenen Speichertypen bestückt worden sind. (...) Spieler können durch einfaches Anheben der Bus-Geschwindigkeit noch tüchtig nachhelfen. Der größte Vorzug beim AK35GTR ist der extrem niedrige Preis. Für #180 CDN bietet es ein gutes Preis/Leistungsverhältnis bei der Menge an Leistungsmerkmalen. Der nächste Konkurrent liegt bei #40 Aufpreis! Weiter so Shuttle, gutes Board! "I'm giving the AK35GTR the full 5 eyeballs"
23. Jan. 2002
I'm giving the AK35GTR the full 5 eyeballs. It performed extremely well, has an excellent set of on-board integrated components (ATA133 RAID, 6 ch. Audio), and has excellent memory support through the 4 DIMM slots. This is a sweet way to build on the AK31's design.

Well, to sum it up, the AK35GTR is quite a motherboard! This is by far one of the most tweakable I've seen in a long time. Shuttle gives you a large toolbox to work with when trying to get the most out of your system. You can adjust your Vcore up to 2.30 and you also have memory voltage adjustments at your fingertips. You also have nearly complete control over your memory settings and timings. Beyond these added adjustments, the AK35GTR provides above standard performance. The AK35GTR performed very well in all of our tests beating the K7-Dragon in most of them. This is one FAST motherboard!! Throw in a good implementation of onboard audio (low-low cpu utilization), 4 DIMM slots (very rare in this class) and Highpoint ATA133 RAID (any others boards have this?) and you have a complete motherboard. All things considered, the AK35GTR performed very well, was well laid-out and had a complete suite of adjustments for the average Joe and the overclocker. (...) 


AMDWorld: "Editors Choice Award"

26. Jan. 2002
Editors choice award

Conclusion: The performance results from the benchmark once again highlight just how very similar many KT266A boards perform and this highlights Shuttle once again could have another success story on the hands as experienced with AK31 series. Need a low cost RAID system, need a low cost performance board, need a low cost rich featured motherboard well Shuttle as an answer its the AK35GTR.

(...) now Shuttle has included a much wanted increase voltage option and answered many critics with this inclusion we should see the AK35GTR get ranked highly amongst many enthusiast choice listings.

For us there are no complaints and cannot criticize Shuttle on any features of the design, they have definitely improved on the AK31 series of motherboards with the audio choice the C-MEDIA chip and maintained all the originalities of the AK31. The bios has almost all the features necessary to aid tweaking for further performance and as it uses an jumperless board apart from bios reset and bios write protect the rest is left to the bios. (...) "Rating: 97%"
24. Jan. 2002
Rating: 97%

Conclusion: Shuttle has produced a great motherboard that keeps pace with the competition right out of the box and will be a fighter for the pole position in the KT266A class. (...) In a less aggressive, less insane configuration the AK35GTR raced along smoothly with no stability problems during our tests. (...) Shuttle has definitely made an impression with the AK35GTR. It will most likely find it's way into my own base system for some long term enjoyment..errr...testing. You won't be disappointed with this board.

Pros: ATA/133 Raid, Great overclocking potential, Good layout and design,, lots more...


Active Hardware: "Top Grade Hardware Award"

Active Hardware
23. Jan. 2002
Top Grade Hardware Award

The Shuttle AK35GTR is yet another brilliant realization of Shuttle know-how. It is extremely well designed, and offers hallucination-inducing levels of performance. Its numerous Overclocking functions will also make it quite attractive to the tweak-it-yourself crowd. In short, we don't hesitate to recommend the Shuttle AK35GTR to anyone who demands quality and performance for their money.

The strong points: Entirely Jumperless design, Vcore voltage adjustable from within the BIOS, DRAM voltage adjustable from within the BIOS, Excellent response to Overclocking, FSB adjustable in 1MHz increments, Superb performance, Integrated RAID ATA133,  controller, Excellent integrated sound-card


Tech Report: "Rating 10 out of 11"

Tech Report
23. Jan. 2002
Rating 10 out of 11
Well, it looks like Shuttle has done it again. The AK35GTR is as good as the best KT266A boards we've tested, including Soyo's magnificent DRAGON Plus and Epox's EP-8KHA+. The folks at Shuttle seem intent on making a name for themselves in enthusiast circles, and with boards like this one, they're bound to succeed. (...) Overall, the AK35GTR delivers exactly what we're after, and for that it gets 10 points on our world-famous 11-point scale.

10 von 11 Punkte. So gut wie die besten KT266A-Boards (...) Die Shuttle-Leute scheinen die Absicht zu haben, sich bei den Enthusiasten einen Namen zu machen. Mit Boards wie diesem scheinen Sie es auch zu schaffen.


AnandTech: "The board performs very well and it offers some reasonable overclocking."

18. Jan. 2002
The AK31 Rev. 3.1 was a huge success for Shuttle. Being one of the fastest KT266A board and also equipped with 4 DIMMs the AK31 Rev 3.1 could easily outrun a lot of the competition. This time around they bring the newer and better AK35GTR, which is more or less the AK31 Rev. 3.1 plus the new RAID controller and an upgraded audio, and it again surprises us. We are happy to see how what Shuttle has done with their two KT266A products. (...) Shuttle earns our AnandTech Editors Choice Bronze Award with the AK35GTR. (...) The board performs very well and it offers some reasonable overclocking. If anything, the 4 DIMM slots on the AK35GTR helps Shuttle to edge the third runner up, the Soyo Dragon Plus! "PROS: RAID, 1 MHz FSB increasements, Four DDR slots, Price"
21. Aug. 2002
PROS: RAID, 1 MHz FSB increasements, Four DDR slots, Price

(...) this certainly isn’t a bad mainboard. The BIOS is very adjustable with great features to adjust voltage settings. The mainboard itself is pretty good equipped with four DDR slots, a possibility for RAID configuration, six PCI slots and a standard chipset cooler. (...) Finaly, the price, which amounts #64 (found on is pretty low for such a motherboard. " 'Highly Recommended' Award "

January 2002
'Highly Recommended' Award
Shuttle has really hit the spot. The AK35GTR offers all the features from the AK31 rev3 with the added extra of the onboard ATA133 RAID. Performance is great and directly competes against the Abit KR7A-Raid. (...)

The AK35GTR, like it's predecessor (AK31 series) has excellent overclocking features. These include the ability to change and adjust FSB settings and CPU multipliers, not to mention DDR and DIMM voltages. The Vcore can reach a maximum of 2.3 volts ... ideal for any overclockers. To get the most out of your system, memory timings can also be adjusted. (...)

Final words: I'm very impressed with the AK35GTR, the performance is excellent and has many of the features found on more expensive 'overclocking' boards. It offers excellent value for money and you won't be disappointed.

Pros: Excellent Value for Money, Very good performance, AGP Pro slot, 4 DDR DIMMs upto 4Gb, Onboard ATA133 RAID, Excellent overclocking features, Vcore can be adjusted upto 2.30 volts!!!


ClubOverclocker: "...its easy to call this the Board Of Choice"

Club Overclocker
Once again Shuttle has created a product that they can be very proud of. Rock solid stability matched with high performance statistics always equals a frontrunner! Given all of the extras Shuttle has put into the board, its easy to call this the Board Of Choice. Shuttle has certainly come up a long way from "the olden days" and have locked horns directly with ABIT, ASUS, and Iwill. Shuttle motherboards display a high degree of quality and well thought engineering that will propel them into the computers of many upgraders in the days to come. ABIT used to get a lot of attention for their well made manuals, and I have to compliment Shuttle for the same thing now. The manual is very detailed and best of all - IN PRINT. Providing a manual in paperback is such a bonus and unfortunately, not a priority for many motherboard manufacturers anymore. After all, how can we know the pin arrangement of the header block if our computer isn't up and running yet? Kudos' to Shuttle and the AK35GTR!


3DGameMan: "Ratings: 9.5 of 10, Simply one incredible motherboard"

16. Jan. 2002
Ratings: 9.5 of 10
Simply one incredible motherboard


Hardware Test Denmark: "1st Editors Choice Award"

Hardware-Test Denmark
18. Jan. 2002
1st Editors Choice Award

Conclusion: Shuttle really impressed me this time. They have created a motherboard which comes at an awesome price, with a good RAID controller, lots of goodies for the overclocker, very stable, nice layout, and well, I could go on forever. We also saw that numerous times the board knocked the wind out of Abit's top model in different tests, even though the KR7A-R has been awarded lots of times. Again, no more excuses for not buying those DDR RAM, the performance rocks, the price is almost the same as with standard 168 pins RAM, so go for it!. AK35GT-R is at least a good buy, if you want a top notch motherboard for your PC. 

Positive: Performance, Lots of settings for the overclocker, The price, All the new things, the ATA 133 RAID controller, the new sound chip (5.1 surround), etc., The layout, Rock stable
Negative: Nothing! thinks: Hard to find a better motherboard at such a low price


T-Break: "Editors Choice: 95 of 100"

4. Dec. 2001
Editors Choice: 95 of 100

It seems that every time we receive a board from Shuttle nowadays, we prepare ourselves to see the fastest benchmarks posted by the chipset that the Shuttle board is based on- seriously, what do they feed their components? Today, we have Shuttle's AK35GTR with us, which is the follow up to the hugely successful AK31 series of boards. (...) Say hello to the new king of t-break labs: The AK35 is the fastest board we've ever seen- faster than nVidia's nForce chipset based MSI K7N420 in gaming as well as Ziff Davis benchmarks. What more do you need to know! (...)  If you're really thinking of getting something for yourself for the holiday season, get this motherboard with an Athlon XP 1900. You'll be fastest kid on the block- hell, forget the block, you'll be the envy of the entire city! Over the weekend, we're gonna put an Athlon XP 1800 with a GeForce 3 Ti 500 card on the Shuttle AK35 and overclock them to the extreme. Come back to see the numbers. I'm sure you wont be disappointed ;)


Legion Hardware: "Abit KR7A-RAID (92.5%) vs. Shuttle AK35GTR (97.5%)"

Legion Hardware
1. Jan. 2002
Abit KR7A-RAID (92.5%) vs. Shuttle AK35GTR (97.5%)

(...) I just felt that Shuttle’s AK35GTR had that little more to offer. Boasting all the features of the KR7A-RAID with added extras such as 6-Channel onboard audio. Apart from non-overclocking performance the AK35GTR was easily the faster board winning every test. Nevertheless the most impressive aspect of Shuttle’s AK35GTR lies within the almost flawless board design. When I say almost flawless I mean just that, there is really nothing wrong with the design (at least anything worth a mention). Everything is perfect, IDE RAID connectors, IDE connectors, DIMM connectors, CPU Socket, Audio connectors and so on. (...)

TweakPC: "AK35GTR im Vergleich zu KT333"
1. Juli 2002
AK35GTR im Vergleich zu KT333
Als Vergleichsboard mit dem KT266A im KT333-Testfeld schlug es sich sehr gut. Die Ausstattung ist normal, die Performance allerdings mehr als gut. Wir waren anfangs skeptisch, wurden aber eines besseren belehrt. Wer ein KT266A sucht, kann ohne Bedenken zum Shuttle greifen! Letzten Endes ist für jeden etwas dabei, einen echten Sieger gibt es nicht (weswegen wir auch keinen Award vergeben). Ob es wirklich ein KT333 sein muss, muss jeder selbst für sich entscheiden. Die meisten sind mit einem KT266A unserer Meinung nach gut bedient.


Sweclockers: "4 out of 5 stars"

Sweclockers (Sweden)
29. March 2002
4 out of 5 stars

Translation from Swedish:
"AK35GTR has alot to offer because it has RAID with UDMA133, six PCI and four dimm slots. It also has good overclocking abilites (...) I liked the
card and I gave it four out of five stars.


TechHard: "Shuttle AK35GT RAID is "jumperless excellence"."

TechHard website
21. Dec. 2001
Whew !! The only word I can quote for the Shuttle AK35GT RAID is "jumperless excellence". Quite possibly it is the best KT266A board equipped with RAID. Performance is not the only criterion where the AK35GT excels, rather, it is the incredible stability and features are really mind blowing though Abit KT7A RAID gave a head to head to hit in some areas like Quake III Arena and MadOnion 3D Mark 2001. But then also while seeing the the drawback of Abit KR7A of not having a inbuilt sound chip which is present in case of Shuttle AK35GT RAID, I can easily crown it as a best KT266A RAID motherboard available in the market today. Regarding Shuttle AK35GT RAID It supports RAID 0, 1, 0+1 & JBOD, Allows maximum 4 disks connection to every controller.


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