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Mainboard AK35GT, AK35GTR

  AK35GTR (v1.x) mit VIA KT266A-Chipsatz

Pressestimmen über AK35GTR


PC Welt: "Bestenliste Platz 4"

PC Welt
Ausgabe 11/02 Seite 218
PC Welt Bestenliste Platz 4 "Gesamtwertung: 91%"

Socket A
Juli 2002
Gesamtwertung: 91%

Das Board absolvierte all unsere Belastungstests absolut stabil und entpuppte sich sogar als der schnellste Flitzer des gesamten Testfeldes..

Stabilität: 100%
Leistung: 100%
Qualität/Layout: 85% "Sock It To 'EM-Award Score 96"

Socket A
4. June 2002
Sock It To 'EM-Award
Score 96

Shuttle really has made the AK35GTR board that is able to perform with the best of them. It has everything that a home user really uses and nothing they don't. With a feature rich board, excellent stability, overclocking features that will make anybody envious the AK35GTR board is a steal at it's current price. It currently is my pick for the budget overclocker.

+ excellent stability
+ great overclocking features
+ superb manual
+ excellent value
+ HighPoint RAID


The DDR Zone: "Editors Choice DDR ZONE Award"

The DDR Zone
14. May 2002
Editors Choice DDR ZONE Award
Pros : ATA-133, RAID, No AMR slot, 6 PCI Slots, Quality sound with 5.1 support 
Cons : No Cons that I could find during testing 
Overall : 9.5; This board was a pleasure to use and has now taken pride of place in my main workstation. Its performance, Value for money and feature set make it stand out from the crowd. Therfore we Award it with the following DDR ZONE Award.

Performance : 9.5/10 +++ I cannot fault the performance of this board, it used every GeForce card I could throw at it that I had (GF2 MX400, GF2 GTS, GF4 Ti4400) and it performed beautifully with each video card. While i didnt have a lot of boards here to be able to test it against the scores do all the talking. The VIA KT266a has proven time and again to be the fastest platform for AMD processors. 
Stability : 10/10 +++ During testing I did not have one single lockup or Blue Screen of Death. Even with RAM settings MAX'ed we couldn't get any stability issues. 
Compatibility : 9.5/10 +++ Again no issues at all with any products we could find. All drivers installed without a hitch. 
Value : 10/10 +++ This one area where the board excells above all others. Its Cheap, it offers a great range of features and its stable as a rock.


Chip Magazine Romania: "Top 10, Rang 2"

CHIP magazine Romania
Issue 5/2002, page 50+66
Top 10, Rang 2

Conclusion: Built around the VIA KT266A chipset, AK35GTR uses well the memory bandwidth of DDR to achieve a high performance. Sysmark 2001 gave this motherboard a score of 173 points (a very good score), while for 3D abilities, AK35GTR got a 7066 'grade', which makes us recommend the board for any system designed with performance in mind. The features are also plentyfull, there is a sound chip to replace the ordinary CODEC, and for expansion there are 6 PCI slots and one AGP. Above all that, the board featurea an ATA133 RAID controller from HighPoint. "Excellence in Engineering Award, Overall Score: 95%"
24. April 2002
Recipient of the Excellence in Engineering Award
Overall Score: 95%

Conclusion: Shuttle has yet again produced a motherboard worthy of many editorial awards. I have had three separate samples go through my hands, and each have performed at the same high level. I was not shipped a hand picked board for review, but rather one from a pile of excellent products. The value of this product almost blows the mind. There is no other board that offers the features, performance, and stability of the AK35GTR at a price point starting at #88 US. It is a sin to not pick up one of these gems! While the AK35GT2R may appear to be the sexier model, the older sister of the two is by no means a wretched hag! Shuttle wants to be one of the big boys, and they have charted a very aggressive course against the other manufacturers in Taiwan. These other manufacturers have responded with upgraded products, but the overall value and quality that Shuttle offers is astounding. We will continue to hear from Shuttle as the months go on, and they will continue to aggressively update their roadmap. As for now, if a user wants an incredibly well rounded board at a very low price, the AK35GTR should be at the top of their list. It might not have the nifty extras that other boards do, but the overall product itself is second to none. I liked this board so much that I replaced my Soyo K7V Dragon Plus that resides in my main machine with the AK35GTR. I can already feel the difference in overall performance, as my system does run a bit snappier. One other thing that I noticed is that I have had no problems with the Creative Labs Audigy card, which the Soyo did not like. I haven’t had a single crash with this board, and I was averaging one a day with the Soyo. Strong work Shuttle, this is truly a wonderful product. "It is a very nice-performing motherboard.."

12. April 2002
Conclusion: At the current state, performance is no longer the sole-deciding factor for choosing between different motherboards. Features and other freebies also come into play nowadays. With that in mind, the Shuttle AK35GTR fits the qualifications nicely. It is a very nice-performing motherboard with a lot of little extras thrown in into the mix. Onboard RAID is nice but add 5.1 channel onboard sound a 4 DIMM slots and a kickass product is now made. Considering the features of the board, it ought to be priced higher but it's getting common now that not all the most expensive products are always the best. Shuttle's AK35GTR is a very worthy challenger to the offerings of other board makers when it comes to the KT266A chipset. The AK35GTR is a very well-rounded and competition-ready motherboard. The features are catchy, the price is good and the performance is very good indeed. "Das AK35GTR ist...eines der besten KT266A-Boards"
20. April 2002
Fazit: Das AK35GTR ist nicht nur leistungsmäßig eines der besten KT266A-Boards. Durch exzellente Ausstattung konnte es mich vollkommen überzeugen. Wer noch nach einem geeigneten Board für seinen High-End PC sucht, ist mit diesem Board bestens bedient. Da sich die Investition in neuere Boards mit KT333 wegen geringer Mehrleistung nicht wirklich lohnt, plädiere ich zum derzeit KT266A. Zum alten Eisen gehört dieser noch lange nicht.

+ Highpoint Raid-Controller 
+ C-Media 5.1 Soundchip 
+ sehr gute Erweiterungsmöglichkeiten
(sechs PCI-Slots, vier Ram-Slots) 
+ Maximum an Übertaktungsmöglichkeiten 
+ gute Performance 
+ Ausfühliches Handbuch 
+ kein Onboard-Lan


Legion Hardware: "performance award...for winning 99.9%"

Legion Hardware
9. April 2002
The performance award clearly goes to the Shuttle AK35GTR for winning 99.9% of the tests. The board was purely unbeatably and for #80 US it’s also a bargain. Featuring RAID, 6-Channel audio and so on, the board really is winning material. I personal can’t get enough of a good value board like the AK35GTR but instead of awarding the board with the value award I’m giving it the performance award for its efforts.


PC Welt: "4,5 von 5 Punkten, Platz von 60"

PC Welt
Ausgabe 5/2002, Seite 152
4,5 von 5 Punkten
Platz 3 von 60 getesteten Sockel-A-Platinen

Shuttle bestückt die Spacewalker mit dem Ultra-DMA/133 Raid-Controller Highpoint HPT372 und dem Soundchip CMI8738 (Ausstattungs-Note 1,6). In Sachen Übertaktbarkeit gaben wir der Platine (...) die Note 1,8: es sind 100 bis 200MHz Systemtakt (Front Side Bus) in 1-MHz-Schritten möglich. Auch können Sie bei der Spannung der Speicherbänke zwischen 2,55, 2,6 und 2,7 Volt wählen. (...) "Seal of Aproval - Award!"

24. March 2002
Seal of Aproval - Award!
conclusion: (...) I have to give the Shuttle AK35GTR an overall "thumbs up" and another AMDPower Seal of Approval (for whatever the heck it's worth). The board is very stable, has great overclocking features for the KT266A, and performs great on the Linux installation. In addition, the board can be seen for as low as #95 on Pricewatch. That is a great deal for the features this board has. The extremely hard installation was my own choice because I wanted the latest and greatest kernel. (...) "Shuttle's Luxusversion...zeigt noch einmal, was in dem Chipsatz steckt"

28. March 2002
Shuttles Luxusversion mit KT266A-Chipsatz zeigt noch einmal, was in dem Chipsatz steckt.

(...) gehört sichlich auch zu Zeiten des KT333 zu den schnellsten Mainboards für den Athlon. Hervorragend ist sicherlich die Entscheidung von Shuttle, auch ein besser ausgestattetes Mainboard anzubieten für die User, die Performance mögen und gleichzeitig auf einen Raidcontroller bauen oder einen qualitativ hochwertigen Onboard-Sound mitkaufen möchten. Das GTR steht dabei für die Performance des Mainboards - es handelt sich hier sicherlich um einen BMW mit breiten Reifen, aufgebohrtem Motor in der M3-Version, der so tief gelegt ist, wie es nur geht: Das Shuttle ist die Racing-Variante unter dem KT266A-Mainboards. (...)

Positive Punkte des Shuttle AK35GTR:
Top-Performance, Gute Stabilität, gutes Bios,
Ordentliche Overclocking-Fähigkeiten, gute Erweiterbarkeit dank 6 PCI und 4 Dimm, Highpoint Raidcontroller (ATA133) Onboard 
5.1 fähiger Digitalsound Onboard

Wir würden dieses Mainboard jedem empfehlen, der aktuell eine ausgereifte und schnelle Platine sucht und bis zum KT333 nicht warten möchte oder seinen guten DDR266-Speicher nicht aufgeben möchte. In diesem Fall kann man hier wirklich ein Schnäppchen machen, was sich in jedem Fall lohnt.

"Das KT266A-Mainboard von Shuttle kommt mit guten Overclocking- Funktionen, einem ATA/133-Raid und 5.1 Digitalsound - und es ist wirklich sauschnell." "Rating 10 out of 10"

Febr. 2002
Rating 10 out of 10
Overall, the board proved itself without a doubt. The component’s set out is well thought out and Shuttle clearly studied this area well. The power of the KT266A did its bit in its smooth pumping of Quake 3 Arena. Trust me, I noticed it in my fav of fav’s game. With this little taste of its potential gives me the ‘Muhhaha and rubbing of hands’, feeling with anticipation when once again a new XP1700 guinea pig comes my way. Thoroughly Recommended! "The medal goes to Shuttle"

29. January 2002
Six New AMD Motherboards
The medal goes to Shuttle

But as strong as the pull of brand loyalty may be to a techie, this techie's opinion was swayed away from ABIT by the speedy, stable, feature-packed and surprisingly affordable Shuttle AK35GTR. This board has power to spare, and configuring it is as easy as wading through the BIOS setup menu; it may not be as neatly organized as ABIT's SoftMenu III, but it offers the same level functionality. It's a killer board, and it's likely to be in my next desktop system.


XtremPC Magazine Romania: "AK35GTR simply blows away the competition"

XtremPC Magazine Romania
Issue March 2002, page 50
Translation: Even though not as well known as ABIT or ASUS, the mainboard manufacturer Spacewalker has managed to amaze the overclocking comunity with their latest produducts based on VIA's KT266A chipset. I am reffering to AK31, a board that offers very good performance, overclocking options, all in a low cost package compared to similar ABIT or ASUS products. And if this wasn't enough, the guys at Spacewalker have come up with a new board based on the same old KT266A: AK35GTR. Besides the obvious advantages that come from using the KT266A chipset(UltraDMA100, great performance, support for Athlon XP CPUs), the AK35GTR also features four DIMM slots for a maximum of 4GB of PC166/PC2100 RAM, onboard IDE ATA133 RAID controlled by the HighPoint HPT372 chip, and a lot of overclocking features. At this chapter, we can say that the AK35GTR simply blows away the competition by integrating all functions in BIOS and dumping the jumpers or DIP switches. But this isn't that unusual these days, and neither is the possibility of of adjusting the FSB from 100 to 200MHz in 1 MHz steps, or even adjusting the multiplier from 5.5X to 14X in 0.5X increments, but the maximum voltage selectable for the CPU is no less than 2.30V !!!, compared to 1.85V on other similar boards. To complete this menu, we also have adjustable voltage for the DDR memory for increased stability when overclocking by FSB, and active cooling for the northbridge for the same reason. Unfortunately, there is no voltage adjustment for I/O.
For expandability we have no less than 6 PCI slots, integrated sound using the CMedia CMI8738 chip for 6 channle hardware sound and the RAID controller we mentioned earlier. Performance is one of the strong points of the AK35GTR (apparently this is the only kind of points this board has). AK35GTR is a board designed for overclockers and normal users, because both the overclocking features and out-of-the-box performance are great. As a conclusion, we can say that the AK35GTR impressed us more than any other board.


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