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Mainboard AB48N/AB48PN


Pressestimmen über AB48N/AB48PN


PC Format U.K.: Speedy 800MHz CPU support with integrated LAN

PC Format U.K.
Issue November 2003
The Intel 845 chipset (845PE) has been around for a while, but don't let that put you off. Mature and with some attractive features, it's the Sharon Stone of motherboard technology. (...) There's support of Hyper Threading and 800MHz FSB processors. And you get an integrated LAN port. (...) You need to find your own connector for the SPDIF out, too. The core design certainly works, though, and speeds run close to the Intel 865 boards. There's a few overclocking tweaks available in the BIOS to push things even further, although the lack of voltage settings is a limitation.

"If you want a budget 800MHz FSB system, this is cheap as chipsets."

+ Speedy 800MHz CPU support
+ integrated LAN

Ranking: 83% Stability and performance were both excellent
28. April 2003
It appears as if 200FSB compatibility has given the i845PE chipset a new lease of life. Don't get us wrong, there was very little that was poor about the 133FSB i845PE's performance, but as the benchmarks graphically show, a faster FSB and associated PC3200 memory put the i845PE 200FSB within touching distance of the Canterwood chipset. Hell, if we weren't privy to the actual benchmark scores posted by either chipset, there would be no discernable method of distinguishing between the two.

Shuttle have decided that a fully-featured i845PE 200FSB motherboard is not really the way to go on this occasion. The added features will bring the overall price perilously close to the imminent Springdale-based boards. Instead, the Shuttle AB48PN keeps some of the more useful features like 6-channel sound and 10/100 LAN, but sacrifices PCB-consuming add-ons like RAID and Firewire support. The end result is a motherboard that utilises considerably less PCB real estate than the conventional ATX board. Measuring 190mm across, the fitting in all the requisite components and extras has been done well. The board, although undeniably busy-looking, doesn't feel cramped or confined. Rather, the lack of PCB space has forced Shuttle to intelligently position power and drive connectors. It was easy to install and un-install from a midi-sized case.

Stability and performance were both excellent, even with no voltage adjustment and 200FSB operation. (...) In summary, a stable, potentially fast motherboard that should appeal to system integrators and budget-orientated enthusiasts. (...)

+ Runs at 200FSB (800FSB QDR) flawlessly 
+ Integrates a couple of decent features 
+ Board is well laid out for such a small CPB 
+ Should be cheap. £75 or so. 
+ Decent performance when tuned



Hardware.Info: Empfehlung für Lowbudget-P4-System

Hardware.Info Magazine Netherlands
Ausgabe 1/2003, Seite 20ff
Bei einem Vergleichstest von 17 Mainboards mit Intel 845PE-Chipsatz ist AB48N eindeutig das günstigste und kann für ein ernstzunehmendes Lowbudget-System für Pentium 4 empfohlen werden.


Thor's Hardware: Empfehlung der Redaktion

Thor's Hardware
Februar 2003

Testbericht über  AB48N v1.1
Empfehlung der Redaktion

Fazit : (...) Beim Layout konnte Shuttle uns überraschen. Trotz der moderaten Abmessungen die das AB48N hat konnte alles sauber und übersichtlich platziert werden. Besonders schön gelungen ist hier die Platzierung von IDE-, Floppy- und ATX-Anschlüssen. Wie schon erwähnt ist der CPU Sockel um 90Grad gedreht wodurch die Abluft des CPU Kühlers gleichzeitig auch noch die Northbridge kühlt. Greift man an den Kühler, stellt man selbst während der Übertaktungsphase fest dass dieser kaum Handwarm wird. Das Layout des Shuttle AB48N gefällt uns also rundum sehr gut.
Im Internet konnten wir das Shuttle AB48N zu einem Preis von 104,-€ finden was die Platine nicht unsympatisch macht. Ein HyperThreading fähiges Mainboard zu diesem Preis und den gezeigten Werten ist uns auf jeden Falle wieder eine „Empfehlung der Redaktion“ wert.


XtremPC: Gutes Preis/Leistungs-Verhältnis und sehr stabil

XtremPC Romania
Ausgabe Jan/2003, Seite 48
Testbericht über  AB48N v1.1

"The stability and the support for DDR333 and HyperThreading recommend Shuttle AB48N (...)"

"Seine Stabilität und die Unterstützung von DDR333 und HyperThreading machen das Shuttle AB48 empfehlenswert."


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Shuttle Computer Deutschland - Änderungen und Druckfehler vorbehalten. Datum: 30.4.2008