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Mainboard AB45

Mainboard AB45 mit blauer Platine

Pressestimmen über AB45

XtremPC magazine: "..a good solution.."

XtremPC magazine Romania
Issue 35, Sept. 2002, page 40
Translation: It's a good solution for people not looking for overclocking but for a stable and reliable platform.


Digital-Daily: Low price, excellent stability and performance

24. July 2002
+ Low price; 
+ USB2.0 interface supported; 
+ 133MHz system bus supported; 
+ Excellent stability and performance;

(...) even now the board outscores its closest competitor GA-8IE. According to, the board is cheaper than the 8IE by 5-10# (~90 against ~100). And the price is certainly one of the most important determining factors in choosing a board of the budget class.


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Shuttle Computer Deutschland - Änderungen und Druckfehler vorbehalten. Datum: 30.4.2008