Pfad: Home Mainboard HOT-661
| It can never be a wrong decision because "This board is good". Top stability and performance paired with a bundle of features. (...) In addition, a very competetive price (...) a giant leap towards economic, cost effective production of an excellent board. |
| Anand Tech Card Rating: 95/A ...absolutely fabulous layout... At all of the overclocked and normally clocked FSB setting, the HOT-661P didn't flinch for even a split second as it tackled the Winstone 98 and 3D Winbench 98 tests. ... At a good price, there is nothing wrong with the 661P. |
| This board is HOT HOT HOT ...i can say from the very beginning that this board is one of my favourites. It's got good overclocking possibilities, great specs, performs even better, and has even got a cool name.
| Gesamtnote: Gut Unter Windows 98 erreicht es im Business Winstone ein exzellentes Ergebnis. |
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